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고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation



Prof. 강성만

Tel:  02-3290-3448 (Office)

Tel:  02-3290-3949 (Lab)

E-mail: skang@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
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  • Profile

    인류의 역사는 질병과의 끝없는 투쟁으로 점철되어 왔다. 이러한 노력으로 많은 질병이 퇴치되었으나 현재까지도 많은 질환은 그 발병기전에 대해서 전혀 알려지지 않고 있다. 특히 많은 유전 질환들이 인류에 고통을 주고 있음에도 불구하고 질환의 발병 기전뿐만 아니라 원인 유전자조차도 분명히 밝혀지지 않은 상태이다. 본 연구실은 박사 후 연구원, 박사과정, 석사과정 학생 등 여러 구성원이 여러 유전질환의 원인을 밝히기 위해 함께 노력하고 있으며 그 중에서도 노인에게 가장 흔하게 발병하는 알츠하이머병과 그 외 파킨슨병, polyglutamine 관련 질환인 Spinocerebella Ataxia(SCA), 헌팅톤씨 병 등 퇴행성 뇌 질환의 공통적인 발병기전에 특히 관심을 두고 있다. 본 연구실은 각 퇴행성 뇌 질환의 특징적 단백질 응집체가 세포 사멸을 일으키는 기전을 연구하고 질환의 원인 유전자와 상호 작용하는 유전자를 발굴함으로써 뇌 질환의 발병 기전을 이해하고 궁극적으로 질병의 치료에 근거를 제시하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.

    퇴행성 뇌질환과 세포 내 단백질 응집체

    파킨슨병 환자에게서 발견되는 inclusion body나 헌팅톤씨병 환자, SCA 환자에게서 발견되는 polyglutamine 응집체도 정상적인 구조를 가지지 못하게 된 단백질이 β-sheet 형태를 이루어 만들어지는데 이러한 응집체들은 세포 밖에 형성되는 아밀로이드플라크를 제외하면 모두 세포 내부에 존재한다고 알려져 있었다. 그러나 알츠하이머병의 경우에도 최근 세포 안에서 세포 사멸을 일으키는 아밀로이드 베타가 발견되면서 플라크 중심이었던 알츠하이머 연구의 패러다임이 급격히 변화하고 있다. 따라서 단백질 응집체를 형성하는 퇴행성 뇌 질환들 사이에는 세포 내 응집체가 Ubiquitin-Proteasome System(UPS)을 저해하고 산화적 스트레스를 일으키는 공통적인 세포 사멸 기작이 존재한다고 본다. 또한 아밀로이드 전구체 단백질(APP), α-Synuclein, Parkin, Huntingtin, Ataxin-1과 같은 질환의 원인 유전자와 상호 작용하는 유전자를 찾아 그 기능을 연구하고 있으며 이러한 노력이 퇴행성 뇌 질환의 발병 기전을 이해하는데 큰 도움을 줄 것으로 생각하고 있다

    퇴행성 뇌 질환과 세포 사멸 기작.

    알츠하이머병은 cortex와 hippocampus, 파킨슨병은 substantia nigra, SCA는 cerebellum 등 퇴화되는 부위는 각각 다르지만 신경 세포 사멸 현상이 나타난다는 것은 공통적인 현상이라고 하겠다. 질환을 유발하는 다양한 자극과 세포 사멸 원인을 제거하는 것이 퇴행성 뇌 질환을 예방하는 한가지 방법이라고 한다면 세포 내부의 네트워크를 조절하여 여러 자극에 의해 일어나는 세포 사멸 자체를 막는 것은 퇴행성 뇌 질환을 정복할 수 있는 방법이라고 할 수 있겠다. 따라서 세포 내부에서 일어나는 caspase-dependent, independent apoptosis에 중요한 역할을 하는 HtrA2/Omi 같은 유전자들의 기능을 연구하고 그 유전자들을 조절할 수 있는 방법을 개발하여 궁극적으로는 질환 치료에 도움이 되고자 한다.

  • Curriculum Vitae

    • ● Doctor 1992 Molecular Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
    • ● Master 1985 Department of Biological Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • ● Bachelor 1982 Department of Science Education (Major: Biology) Seoul National University
    Professional Experiences
    • ● 2003-present Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology Korea University
    • ● 1998-2003 Associate professor, Graduate School of Biotechnology Korea University
    • ● 1997-1998 Assistant professor, Graduate School of Biotechnology Korea University
    • ● 1995-1997 Visiting Associate, National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health
    • ● 1992-1995 Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Associate, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M University
    • ● 1985-1988 Researcher, Genetic Engineering Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Publication

    • 133. Jang JY, Rhim H, Kang S. (2018) NABi, a novel β-sheet breaker, inhibits Aβ aggregation and neuronal toxicity: Therapeutic implications for Alzheimer's disease. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1862(1):71-80. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2017.10.014.

    • 132. Jang JY, Hong YJ, Lim J, Choi JS, Choi EH, Kang S, Rhim H. (2017) Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP), a novel physicochemical source, induces neural differentiation through cross-talk between the specific RONS cascade and Trk/Ras/ERK signaling pathway. Biomaterials. 156:258-273. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2017.11.045. [Epub ahead of print]

    • 131. Kang AR, An HT, Ko J, Choi EJ, Kang S. (2017) Ataxin-1 is involved in tumorigenesis of cervical cancer cells via the EGFR-RAS-MAPK signaling pathway. Oncotarget. 8(55):94606-94618. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.21814.

    • 130. Jang JY, Cho H, Park HY, Rhim H, Kang S. (2017) ALS-linked mutant SOD1 proteins promote Aβ aggregates in ALS through direct interaction with Aβ. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 493(1):697-707. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.08.127.

    • 129. Nam MK, Kim GY, Yun SE, Jang JY, Kim YH, Choi EH, Kang S, Rhim H. (2017) Harmless effects of argon plasma on caudal fin regeneration and embryogenesis of zebrafish: novel biological approaches for safe medical applications of bioplasma. Exp Mol Med. 49(7):e355. doi: 10.1038/emm.2017.95.

    • 128. Park JH, Jang HR, Lee IY, Oh HK, Choi EJ, Rhim H, Kang S. (2017) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-related mutant superoxide dismutase 1 aggregates inhibit 14-3-3-mediated cell survival by sequestration into the JUNQ compartment. Hum Mol Genet. 26(18):3615-3629. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddx250.

    • 127. Jang JK, Park KJ, Lee JH, Ko KY, Kang S, Kim IY. (2017) Selenoprotein S is required for clearance of C99 through endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 486(2):444-450. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.03.060.

    • 126. Kang AR, An HT, Ko J, Kang S. (2017) Ataxin-1 regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cervical cancer cells. Oncotarget. 8(11):18248-18259. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.15319.

    • 125. Goo HG, Rhim H, Kang S. Pathogenic Role of Serine Protease HtrA2/Omi in Neurodegenerative Diseases.Curr Protein Pept Sci. 18(7):746-757. doi: 10.2174/1389203717666160311115750. Review.

    • 124. Nam, Min-Kyung; Lee, Hyo-Chang; Hong, Young Joon; Jang, Ja-Young; Choi, Eun Ha; Chung, Chin-Wook; Jeon, Seongho; Kim, Jong-Man; Kang, Seongman; Rhim, Hyangshuk (2017) The New Approach for Establishing the Cellular Response Guideline for Medical Applications of Argon-Plasma Jet: Mitochondria and Colorimetric Polydiacetylene as Innovative Parameters. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Volume 13, Number 1, January 2017, pp. 77-83(7) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/jbn.2017.2311

    • 123. Rana Lee, Jane Melissa Lim, Kyung-Hye Roh, Ji Hun Kim, Seongman Kang, Ji Eun Lee and Eui-Ju Choi. (2016) S-nitrosylated GAPDH mediated neuronal apoptosis induced by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated mutant SOD1G93A. Animal Cells and Systems vol.20, issue 6:310-316. doi:10.1080/19768354.2016.1259182

    • 122. Park JH, Park HS, Hong S, Kang S. (2016) Motor neurons derived from ALS-related mouse iPS cells recapitulate pathological features of ALS. Exp Mol Med. 48(12):e276. doi: 10.1038/emm.2016.113.

    • 121. Lee PY, Park BC, Chi SW, Bae KH, Kim S, Cho S, Kang S, Kim JH, Park SG. (2016) Histone H4 is cleaved by granzyme A during staurosporine-induced cell death in B-lymphoid Raji cells. BMB Rep. 49(10):560-565.

    • 120. Lee Y, Lee IY, Yun HJ, Lee WS, Kang S, Cho SG, Lee JE, Choi EJ. (2016) BAT3 negatively regulates lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-κB signaling through TRAF6. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 478(2):784-90.

    • 119. Nam MK, Han JH, Jang JY, Yun SE, Kim GY, Kang S, Rhim H.(2015) A novel link between the conformations, exposure of specific epitopes, and subcellular localization of α-synuclein. Biochim Biophys Acta 1850(12):2497-505

    • 118. Kang AR, Park SH, Lee S, Choi DY, Kim KP, Song HK, Hong S, Kang S. (2015) A key lysine residue in the AXH domain of ataxin-1 is essential for its ubiquitylation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1854(5):356-364

    • 117. Goo HG, Rhim H, Kang S. (2014) HtrA2/Omi influences the stability of LON protease 1 and prohibitin, proteins involved in mitochondrial homeostasis. Exp Cell Res 328(2):456-65

    • 116. Lee ES, Lee HJ, Lee YJ, Jeong JH, Kang S, Lim YB.(2014) Chemical chaperones reduce ionizing radiation-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and cell death in IEC-6 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 450(2):1005-9

    • 115. Choi KA, Hwang I, Park HS, Oh SI, Kang S, Hong S.(2014) Stem cell therapy and cellular engineering for treatment of neuronal dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Biotechnol J 9(7):882-94

    • 114. Kim EJ, Lee YJ, Kang S, Lim YB.(2014) Ionizing radiation activates PERK/eIF2α/ATF4 signaling via ER stress-independent pathway in human vascular endothelial cells. Int J Radiat Biol 90(4):306-12

    • 113. Hwang I, Park JH, Park HS, Choi KA, Seol KC, Oh SI, Kang S, Hong S. (2013). Neural stem cells inhibit melanin production by activation of Wnt inhibitors. J Dermato Sci 72(3), 274-83

    • 112. Bae Y, Jung SH, Kim GY, Rhim H, Kang S (2013). Hip2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme overcomes radiation-induced G2/M arrest. BBA - Molecular Cell Research 1833(12), 2911-21

    • 111. Kim EJ, Jeong JH, Bae S, Kang S, Kim CH, Lim YB(2013). mTOR inhibitors radiosensitize PTEN-deficient non-small-cell lung cancer cells harboring an EGFR activating mutation by inducing autophagy. J Cell Biochem,114(6):1248-56.

    • 110. Kim Y, Park JH, Jang JY, Rhim H, Kang S(2013). Characterization and Hsp104-induced artificial clearance of familial ALS-related SOD1 aggregates. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 434(3):521-6.

    • 109. Goo HG, Jung MK, Han SS, Rhim H, Kang S(2013). HtrA2/Omi deficiency causes damage and mutation of mitochondrial DNA. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1833(8):1866-75

    • 108. Kim GY, Kim HY, Kim HT, Moon JM, Kim CH, Kang S, Rhim H.(2012). HtrA1 is a novel antagonist controlling fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling via cleavage of FGF8. Mol Cell Biol, 32(21):4482-92 SCI 2012. 11

    • 107. Seongman Kang and Sunghoi Hong (2011). Prediction of personalized drugs based on genetic variations provided by DNA sequencing technologies. Genes & Genomes 33, 591-603 SCIE 2011. 12

    • 106. Lee S, An S, Kang TH, Kim KH, Chang NH, Kang S, Kwak CK, Park HS. (2011). Comparison of mesenchymal-like stem/progenitor cells derived from supernumerary teeth with stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth Regen. Med. 6, 689-699 SCIE 2011. 11

    • 105. Lee S, Kim J, Park TJ, Shin Y, Lee SY, Han YM, Kang S, Park HS. (2011). The effects of the physical properties of culture substrates on the growth and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Biomaterials 32, 8816-8829 SCI 2011. 12

    • 104. Choi KJ, Lee JH, Kim KS, Kang S, Lee YS, Bae S (2011). Identification of ELAVL4 as a modulator of radiation sensitivity in A549 non-small cell lung cancer cells. Oncol Rep 26, 55-63 SCI 2011. 07

    • 103. Lee SB, Kim HJ, Shin J, Kang ST, Kang S, Yoo YD (2011). Bcl-XL prevents serum depreivation-induced oxidative strss mediated by Romo1. Oncol Rep 25, 1337-1342 SCI 2011 . 05

    • 102. Choi D., and Kang S. (2011). Identification and characterization of RNF2 response elements in human adult cells. Mol. Cells. SCI, 2011.03

    • 101. Cho K, Cho S, Lee SO, Oh C, Kang K, Ryoo J, Lee S, Kang S, Ahn K (2011). Redox-regulated peptide transfer from the transporter associated with antigen processing to MHC class I molecules by protein disulfide isomerase. Antioxid Redox Signal in press SCI, 2011.02

    • 100. Lee JH, Choi KJ, Seo WD, Jang SY, Kim M, Lee BW, Kim JY, Kang S, Park KH, Lee YS, Bae S (2011). Enhancement of radiation sensitivity in lung cancer cells by celastrol is mediated by inhibition of Hsp90. Int J Mol Med 27, 441-6 SCI, 2011.03

    • 99. Lee S, Hong S,, Kim S., and Kang S. (2011). Ataxin-1 occupies the promoter region of E-cadherin in vivo and activates CtBP2- repressed promoter. BBA - Molecular Cell Research in press SCI,2011.02

    • 98. Choi D, Goo HG, Yoo J, Kang S. (2011). Identification of RNF2-responding loci in long-range chromatin interactions using the novel 4C-ChIP-Cloning technology. J Biotechnol 151, 312-318 SCI, 2011.02

    • 97. Lee PY, Bae KH, Jeong DG, Chi SW, Moon JH, Kang S, Cho S, Lee SC, Park BC, Park SG. (2011). The S-nitrosylation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 is reduced by interaction with glutathione peroxidase 3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Cells, SCI 2011, 03

    • 96. S Kang and S Hong. (2010). SUMO-1 interacts with mutant ataxin-1 and colocalizes to its aggregates in Purkinje cells of SCA1 transgenic mice. Arch Ita Biol, 148, 351-363 SCI 2010, 12

    • 95. Yoonhee Bae, Dongwon Choi, Hyangshuk, Rhim, Seongman Kang. (2010). Hip2 interacts with cyclin B1 and promotes its degradation through the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. FEBS Letters, 584, 4505-4510 SCI 2010, 11

    • 94. Bae Y, Kho CW, Lee SY, Rhim H, Kang, S. (2010). Hip2 interacts with and destabilizes Smac/DIABLO . Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 397, 718-723

    • 93. Jang J, Hong SH, Choi D, Choi KS, Kang S, Kim IH. (2010). Overexpression of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) V protein enhances NDV production kinetics in chicken embryo fibroblasts. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 85, 1509-1520 SCI 2009.

    • 92. Hye-Min Park, Goo-Young Kim, Min-Kyung Nam, Geun-Hye Seong, Chul Han, Kwang Chul Chung, Seongman Kang, Hyangshuk Rhim (2009). The serine protease HtrA2/Omi cleaves Parkin and irreversibly inactivates its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 387, 537-542 SCI 2009, 08

    • 91. Seongman Kang, Sunghoi Hong (2009). Molecular Pathogenesis of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 Disease. Mol. Cells. 27, 621-627 SCI 2009. 6

    • 90. Eun Jin Yoon, Hyo-Jin Park, Goo-Young Kim1, Hyungmin Cho, Jung-Ha Choi, Hye-Yoon Park, Ja-Young Jang, Hyangshuk Rhim1*, Seongman Kang*(2009). Intracellular amyloid beta interacts with SOD1 and impairs the enzymatic activity of SOD1: implications for the pathogenesis of ALS. Exp. Mol. Med. 41, 611-617 SCI 2009. 9

    • 89. Park HJ, Kim SS, Kang S, Rhim H. (2009). Intracellular Abeta and C99 aggregates induce mitochondria-dependent cell death in human neuroglioma H4 cells through recruitment of the 20S proteasome subunits. Brain Res. 1273, 1-8. SCI 2009. 6

    • 88. Ryoo SW, Shin S, Shim MS, Park YS, Lew WJ, Park SN, Park YK, Kang S (2008). Spread of nontuberculous mycobacteria from 1993 to 2006 in Koreans.. J Clin Lab Anal. 22(6), 415-20. SCI 2008. 11

    • 87. Sun-Joo Lee, Dongwon Choi, Hyangshuk Rhim, Hyo-Jung Choo, Young-Gyu Ko, Chul Guen Kim, Seongman Kang (2008). PHB2 interacts with RNF2 and represses CP2c-stimulated transcription. Mol Cell Biochem, 319, 69-77 SCI 2008. 12

    • 86. Lee PY, Bae KH, Kho CW, Kang S, Lee DH, Cho S, Lee SC, and Park SG (2008). Interactome analysis of yeast glutathione peroxidase3. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 18, 1364-1367, SCIE 2008. 08

    • 85. Han, Chul, Min-Kyung Nam, Hyo-Jin Park, Young-Mo Seong, Seongman Kang, and Hyangshuk Rhim (2008). Tunicamycin-induced ER stress upregulatesthe expression of mitochondrial HtrA2 and promotes apoptosis through the cytosolic release of HtrA2. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 18, 1197-1202, SCIE 2008. 06

    • 84. Lee S, Hong S, Kang S (2008). The ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UbcH6 regulates the transcriptional repression activity of the SCA1 gene product ataxin-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 372, 735-740, SCI 2008. 08

    • 83. Hong S, Lee S, Cho SG, Kang S (2008). UbcH6 interacts with and ubiquitinates the SCA gene product ataxin-1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 371, 56-260, SCI 2008. 06

    • 82. Lee JH, Shin SH, Kang S, Lee YS, Bae S. (2008). A novel activation-induced suicidal degradation mechanism for Akt by selenium. Int J Mol Med. 21(1):91-7 SCI 2008. 01

    • 81. Dongwon Choi, Sun-Joo Lee, Sunghoi Hong, Ik-Hwan Kim, and Seongman Kang (2008). Prohibitin interacts with RNF2 and regulates E2F1 function via dual pathways. Oncogene 27, 1716-1725, SCI 2008.03

    • 80. Phil-young Lee, Changwon Ko, Dohee Lee Sunghyun Kang, Seongman Kang 외 5인 . (2007) Glutathione Peroxidase3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae suppresses non-enzymatic proteolysis pf glutamine synthetase in activity-independent manner. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 362, 405-409, SCI 2007. 10

    • 79. Ryoo SW, Park YK, Park SN, Shim YS, Liew H, Kang S, Bai GH. (2007) Comparative proteomic analysis of virulent Korean ycobacterium tuberculosis K-strain with other mycobacteria strain following infection of U-937 macrophage. J Microbiol. 45, 268-271, SCIE 2007. 07

    • 78. Kyung-Mi Choi, Chang-Mo Kang, Eun Sook Cho, Seong Man Kang, Seung Bum Lee, and Hong-Duck Um (2007). Ionizing radiation-induced micronucleus formation is mediated by reactive oxygen species that are produced in a manner dependent on mitochondria, Nox1, and JNK. Oncology Reports, 17, 1189-1194, SCI 2007. 05

    • 77. Hyun-Woo Suh, Seongman Kang, Ki-Sun Kwon (2007) Curcumin attenuates glutamate-induced HT22 cell death by suppressing MAP kinase sinaling. Mol Cell Biochem, 298, 187-194, SCI 2007. 03

    • 76. Hyo-Jin Park, Sang-Soo Kim, Young-Mo Seong, Kyung-Hee Kim, Hui Gwan Goo, Eun Jin Yoon, Do Sik Min, Seongman Kang (corresponding author), Hyangshuk Rhim (corresponding author) (2006) Beta-Amyloid Precursor Protein is a direct cleavage target of HtrA2 serine protease: implications for the physiological function of HtrA2 in the mitochondria J. Biol. Chem. 281, 34277-87 (SCI) 2006, 11

    • 75. Kho CW Lee PY, Bae KH, Cho S, Lee ZW, Park BC, Kang S, Lee H, and Park SG (2006) Glutathione peroxidase of Sacharomyces cerevisiae regulates the activity ofmethionine sulfoxide reductase in a redox state-dependent way. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 348, 25-35 (SCI) 2006. 9

    • 74. Jinwook Shin, Boyoun Park, Sungwook Lee, Youngkyun Kim,Bonita J. Biegalke, Seongman Kang, and Kwangseog Ahn. (2006) A Short Isoform of HCMV US3 Functions as a Dominant Negative Inhibitor of the Full-length Form. Journal of Virology 80, 5397-5404 (SCI) 2006. 06

    • 73. Choi SY, Kim MJ, Kang CM, Bae S, Cho CK, Soh JW, Kim JH, Kang S, Chung HY, Lee YS, Lee SJ. (2006) Activation of bak and bax through C-ABL-PKCdelta -P38MAPK signaling in response to ionizing radiation in human non-small cell lung cancer. J. Biol. Chem. 281, 7049-7059, (SCI) 2006. 03

    • 72. Kwang-Soo Lee, Hae-Ryong Song, Tae-Joon Cho, Hyon J. Kim, Tae-Mi Lee, Hyun-Seok Jin, Hyun-Young Park, Seongman Kang, Sung-Chul Jung, Soo Kyung Koo (2006) Mutational spectrum of type I collagen genes in Korean patients with osteogenesis imperfecta, Human mutaion 27, 599 (SCI) 2006. 06

    • 71. Min-Kyung Nam, Young-Mo Seong, Hyo-Jin Park, Ju-Youn Choi, Seongman Kang, Hyangshuk Rhim, (2006) The homotrimeric structure of HtrA2 is indispensable for executing its serine protease activity. Experimental and Molecular Medicine 38, 36-43, (SCI) 2006. 02

    • 70. Min-Kyung Nam1, Hye-Min Park, Ju-Youn Choi, Hyo-Jin Park, Kwang Chul Chung, Seongman Kang, Hyangshuk Rhim, (2005) The expression patterns of human parkin in E. coli and mammalian cells Kor J Life Sci 15, 916-922

    • 69. Oh HJ, Lee H, Park JW, Rhee H, Koo SK, Kang S, Jo I, Jung SC. (2005) Reversal of gene expression profile in the phenylketonuria mouse model after adeno-associated virus vector-mediated gene therapy. Mol Genet Metab 86, 124-132, (SCI) 2005. 12

    • 68. Mi Jin Kim, Young A Yoo, Hyung Kim,; Seongman Kang, Yong Kim, Jun Kim, (2005) Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41 (MRPL41) mediates serum starvation-induced cell-cycle arrest through an increase of p21WAF1/CIP1. Biochem and Biophysical Res Comm. 338,1179-1184, (SCI) 2005. 12

    • 67. Sun-Ju Lee, Dongwon Choi, Hyangshuk Rhim., Seongman Kang. (2005) E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF2 interacts with the S6' proteasomal ATPase subunit and increases the ATP hydrolysis activity of S6'. Biochemical J.389, 457-463, (SCI) 2005. 06

    • 66. Yongjae Park, Sunghoi Hong, Sung-Jo Kim, Soyeon Lee, Dong-Won Choi, and Seongman Kang (2005) Proteasome Function is Inhibited by Polyglutamine-Expanded Ataxin-1, the SCA1 Gene Product, Mol Cells, 19, 23-30 (SCI), 2005. 02

    • 65. Moon-Taek Park, Min-Jeong Kim, Young-Hee Kang, Soon-Young Choi, Jung-A Choi, Chang-Mo Kang, Chul-Koo Cho, Seongman Kang, Sangwoo-Bae, Yun-Sil Lee, Hee Young Chung, and Su-Jae Lee (2005) Phytosphingosine in combination with ionizing radiation enhances apoptotic cell death in radiation-resistant cancer cells through ROS-dependent and -independent AIF release. Blood, 105, 1724-1733 (SCI), 2005. 02

    • 64. Chang Won Kho, Sung Goo Park, Do Hee Lee, Sayeon Cho, Goo Taeg Oh, Seongman Kang, Byong Chul Park (2004) Activity of glutathione peroxidase after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Mol Cells, 18, 369-373 (SCI),, 2004. 12

    • 63. Tae-Mi Lee, Sang-Wun Kim, Kwang-Soo Lee, Hyun-Seok Jin, Soo Kyung Koo, Inho Jo, Seongman Kang, Sung-Chul Jung (2004) Quantitative analysis of SMN1 gene and estimation of SMN1 deletion carrier frequency in Korean population based on real-time PCR. J Kor Med Sci, 19, 870-873 (SCIE), 2004. 12

    • 62. Sung-Weon Ryu, Sang-Chan Park, Mun-Nam Bang, Sung-Sik Han, Young-Kil Park, Sue-Nie Park, Young-Soo Shim, Seongman Kang, Gill-Han Bai (2004) Analysis of the cell lysate proteome of a Korean Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolate K01 with H37Rv and H37Ra Strains. Journal of Bacteriology and Virology, 34, 107-112

    • 61. Young-Mo Seong, Ju-Youn Choi, Hyo-Jin Park, Ki-Joong Kim, Sang-Gun Ahn, Geun-Hye Seong, In-kyung Kim, Seongman Kang (corresponding author), Hyangshuk Rhim (corresponding author) (2004) Autocatalytic processing of HtrA2/Omi is essential for induction of caspase-dependent cell death through antagonizing XIAP J. Biol. Chem., 279, 37588-37596

    • 60. Hyun-Jeong Oh, Eun-Sook Park, Seongman Kang, Inho Jo, Sung-Chul Jung (2004) Long-term enzymatic and phenotypic correlation in the phenylketonuria mouse model by adeno-associated virus vector mediated gene transfer. Pediatric research, 56, 278-284

    • 59. Hyunho Kim, Woocho Jeong, Kwangseok Ahn, Curie Ahn, Seongman Kang (2004) Siah-1 interacts with the intracellular region of polycystin-1 and affects its stability via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. J. Am Soc Nephrol, 15, 2042-2049

    • 58. Kim H, Bae Y, Chung W, Ahn C, Kang S. (2004) Depletion of PKD1 by an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide induces premature G1/S phase transition. Eur. J Human Genet, 12, 433-440

    • 57. Sung-Weon Ryu, Hyun-Ho Kim, Mun-Nam Bang, Young-Kil Park, Sue-Nie Park, Young-Soo Shim, Seongman Kang, Gill-Han Bai (2004) Trial for Drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with live and dead cell differentiation. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 56, 261-267

    • 56. Bae Y, Kim H, Chung W, Ahn C, Kang S. (2004) Characterization of microsatellite markers to diagnose ADPKD. Mol. Cell. Probes 18, 155-159

    • 55. Hyo-Jin Park, Young-Mo Seong, Ju-Youn Choi, Seongman Kang, Hyangshuk Rhim (2004) Alzheimer’s disease-associated amyloid beta specifically interacts with the human serine protease HtrA2/Omi. Neuroscience Letters, 357, 63-67

    • 54. Young-Mo Seong, Hyo-Jin Park, Geun-Hye Seong, Ju-Youn Choi, Sung-Joo Kim Yoon, Byung-Re Min, Seongman Kang, and Hyangshuk Rhim (2004) N-terminal truncation circumvents proteolytic degradation of the human HtrA2/Omi serine protease in Escherichia coli: Rapid purification of a proteolytically active HtrA2/Omi. Protein Express. Purif. 33, 200-208

    • 53. Young-Mo Seong, Chul Han, Ju-Youn Choi, Hyo-Jin Park, Geun-Hye Seong, Min Kyung Nam, Sang-Soo Kim, In-Kyung Kim, Seongman Kang, Hyangshuk Rhim (2003) High-level expression of human procaspase-9 in E. coli and purification of its GST-tagged recombinant protein. Kor. J. Microbiol. 39, 216-222

    • 52. Moon-Taek Park, Jung-A Choi, Min-Jeong Kim, Hong-Duck Um, Sangwoo-Bae, Chang-Mo Kang, Chul-Koo Cho, , Seongman Kang, Hee Young Chung, Yun-Sil Lee, and Su-Jae Lee (2003) Suppression of extracellular signal-related kinase and activation of p38 MARK are two critical events leading to caspase 8 and mitochondria-mediated cell death in phytosphingosine-treated human cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 50624-50634

    • 51. H-J Park, J-Y Choi, Y-M Sung, C Han, S Kim, S. Kang, H Rhim. (2003) Antigenicity of the region encoded by exon8 of the human serine protease HtrA2/Omi, is associated with its protein solubility. Biotechnology Letters. 25:1597-1603

    • 50. Sungjo Kim, Tae-soo Kim, Ick Young Kim, Sunghoi Hong, Hyangshuk Rhim, Seongman Kang (2003) Polyglutamine-expanded ataxin-1 recruits Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase into the nucleus of HeLa cells, Biochem and Biophysical Res Comm, 307:660-665

    • 49. Sungjo Kim, Tae-soo Kim, Sunghoi Hong, Hyangshuk Rhim, Ick Young Kim, Seongman Kang (2003) Oxidative stimuli affect polyglutamine aggregation and cell death in human mutant ataxin-1-expressing cells, Neuroscience Letter, 348:21-24

    • 48. Jung-Hwan Kim, Seongman Kang, Joon Kim, Byung-Yoon Ahn (2003) Hepatitis B virus core protein stimulates the proteasome-mediated degradation of viral X protein, Journal of Virology. 77:7166-7173

    • 47. Sunghoi Hong, Sojeong Ka, Sungjo Kim, Yongjae Park, and Seongman Kang (2003) p80 coilin, a coiled body-specific protein, interacts with ataxin-1, the SCA1 gene product, Biochemica Biophysica Acta, 1638:35-42

    • 46. Moon-Taek Park, Jung-A Choi, Chang-Mo Kang, Tae-Hwan Kim, Seongman Kang, Sujong Kim, Weon-Ik Choi, Chul-Koo Cho, Su-Jae Lee (2003) Phytosphingosine induces apoptotic cell death via caspase 8 activation and Bax translocation in human cancer cells, Clinical cancer Res. 9:878-885

    • 45. Jong Kuk Park, Young Min Chung, Seongman Kang, Jae-Uk Kim, Yun-Taik Kim, Hyung Jung Kim, Yeul Hong Kim, Jun Suk Kim,& Young Do Yoo (2002) c-Myc Exerts a Protective Function through Ornithine Decarboxylase against Cellular Insults, Mol. Pharmacol., 62:1400-8

    • 44. Choi J-Y, Sung Y-M, Park H, Hur E-H, Lee S-J, Hahn C, Min B-R, Kim I-K, Kang S, Rhim H. (2002) Rapid purification and analysis of alpha synuclein proteins: C-terminal truncation promotes the conversion of alpha-synuclein into a protease-sensitive form in E. coli.. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem 36:33-40

    • 43. Sunghoi Hong, Sung-Jo Kim, Sojeong Ka, Inho Choi and Seongman Kang (2002) USP7, a ubiquitin-specific protease, interacts with ataxin-1, the SCA1 gene product, Mol. Cell. Neuroscience 20:298-306

    • 42. Choi J-Y, Sung Y-M, Park H, Hur E-H, Kim J-Y, Choi E Y, Park J, Min B-R, Kang S, Rhim H. (2001) Slowly-migrating synucein forms are found in the brains of patients with Parkinson's disease. Kor. J. Genetics 23:393-400

    • 41. Bae Y, Kim H, Namgoong H, Baek M, Lee J, Hwang Y, Hwang Y, Ahn C, Kang S. (2001) Characterization of microsatellite markers adjacent to AP-4 on chromosome 16p13.3. Mol. Cell. Probes 15:313-315

    • 40. Lee S-J, Choi J-Y, Sung Y-M, Park H, Rhim H., Kang S. (2001) E3 ligase activity of RING finger proteins that interact with Hip-2, a human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. FEBS Letters 503:61-64

    • 39. Lee S, Yoon J, Park B, Jun Y, Jin ., Sung HA, Kim I-H, Kang S, Choi E-I, Ahn BY, Ahn K (2000) Structural and functional dissection of human cytomegalovirus US3 in binding major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. J. Virology 74:11262-11269

    • 38. Kim H., Namgung H, Kim S,, Ahn C, Kang S (2000) Development of microsatellite markers for diagnosis of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kor. J Nephrology 19:674-680

    • 37. Choi YS, Lee D-Y, Kim IY, Kang S, Ahn K, Kim HJ, Jeong YH, Chun, Jung G-T, Park K, and Kim I-H (2000) Ammonia removal using hepatoma cells in mammalian cell cultures Biotechnol. Prog 16:760-768

    • 36. Kim, H. and Kang, S. (2000) Human functional genomics: present and future. Genetics Reviews 3:122-138

    • 35. Ryu, S. Park, Y.-K. Bai, G.-H. Kim, S.-J. Park. S.-N. and Kang, S. (2000) 3'UTR polymorphisms in the NRAMP1 gene are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in Koreans. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 4(6): 577-580

    • 34. Bok K-S, Rhim H, Yoo YD, Choi E, Ahn K, Kim I-H, Kang S (1999) Expanded polyglutamine tract itself induces cell death in cultured cells. Mol. Cells 9:398-402

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    • 29. Yoo YD, Kang S, Kang Y-K (1998) Cellular resistance to adriamycin conferred by enhanced Rb expression is associated with increased MDR1 expression. Biochem and Biophysical Res Comm 249: 61

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    • 27. Kang S, Allen J, Graham JM Jr, Grebe T, Clericuzio C, Patronas N, Ondrey F, Green E, Schaffer A, Abbott M, Biesecker LG (1997) Linkage mapping and phenotypic analysis of autosomal dominant Pallister-Hall syndrome. J Med Genet 34: 441

    • 26. Kang S, Graham JM Jr, Olney AH, Biesecker LG (1997) GLI3 frameshift mutations cause autosomal dominant Pallister-Hall syndrome. Nat Genet 15: 266

    • 25. Bacolla A, Gellibolian R, Shimizu M, Amirhaeri S, Kang S, Ohshima K, Larson JE, Harvey SC, Stollar BD, Wells RD (1997) Flexible DNA: genetically unstable CTG.CAG and CGG.CCG from human hereditary neuromuscular disease genes. J Biol Chem 272: 16783

    • 24. Ohshima K, Kang Wells RD (1996) CTG repeats expand preferentially of 10 triplets, J. Biol. Chem. 271: 1853

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    • 22. Ohshima K, Kang S, Larson JE, Wells RD (1996) TTA.TAA triplet repeats in plasmids form a non-H bonded structure, J. Biol. Chem. 271: 16784

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  • Research

    Research Area
    • ● Molecular mechanism of neurodegenerative genetic diseases: polyglutamine diseases, Parkinson disease, and Alzheimer’s disease
    • ● Ubiquitin proteasome system
    Ongoing Project
    • ● Studies on the molecular mechanism of polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases
    • ● Studies on the molecular mechanism of Parkinson's disease
    • ● Studies on the molecular mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Teaching

  • Lab Members

    • ● 이소연(Soyeon Lee) Ph.D student lotus22@hanmail.net
    • ● Ts. Battur Ph.D. student battur_tserennadmid@yahoo.com
    • ● 이창섭(Chagnsup Lee) Ph.D student teamor@koreea.ac.kr
    • ● 안영미(Young-Mi Ahn) Ph.D student helloa6@korea.ac.kr
    • ● 탁영진(Yeong-Jin Tak) M.S/Ph.D student xkr1124@korea.ac.kr
    • ● 김은정(Eun-Jung Kim) M.S/Ph.D student kuj3695@korea.ac.kr
    • ● 이지은(Ji-Eun Lee) M.S/Ph.D student leejy9511@naver.com