• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation




  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Lab Members
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    • Departments : Gerontological Nursing
    • Room : 513
    • Gerontological Nursing - Faculty & Teaching Courses
  • Curriculum Vitae

    • Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA. 2004.
    • Ph.D. in Nursing, School of Nursing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. 2003.
    • M.S. in Nursing (Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist Program), School of Nursing, University of Michigan, MI, USA. 1999.
    • B.S. in Nursing, Dept. of Nursing, Korea University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 1995.
    • 2021.06. - 현재 고려대학교 ESG 위원회 위원

      2021.04. - 현재 대한간호협회 간호표준위원회 위원장

      2021.02. - 현재 대한간호협회 만성·재활·방문·요양간호교육정책위원회 위원장

      2021.01. - 현재 한국노인과학학술단체연합회 부회장

      2021.01. - 현재 한국노인간호학회 회장

      2021.01. - 현재 통일간호학회 감사

      2020.12. - 현재 한국간호교육평가원 국제교류 전문위원

      2020.09. - 현재 고려대학교 장애학생 특별지원위원회 위원

      2020.09. - 현재 고려대학교 인권·성평등센터 센터장

      2020.10. - 현재 대한간호협회 간호교육정책위원회 위원

      2020.05. - 현재 한국간호교육평가원 교육인증평가위원회 위원

      2020.04. - 2020.08. 고려대학교 인권센터 센터장

      2020.01. - 현재 성북구 치매안심센터 지역사회협의체 위원

      2020.01. - 현재 고려대학교 여자교수회 운영위원회 위원

      2019.10. - 현재 고려대학교 장애학생지원센터 운영위원회 위원

      2019.10. - 2020.8. 고려대학교 성평등센터 센터장

      2019.11. - 현재 대한간호협회 간호교육개혁위원회 위원

      2019.06. - 현재 한국보건의료인국가시험원 간호사 국가시험 외국대학 인정심의 위원회 위원

      2019.06. - 2020.02. 보건복지부 커뮤니티케어 전문위원회 위원

      2019.03. - 2020.02 고려대학교 석림회 운영위원회 간호대학 위원

      2019.03. - 현재 대한간호협회 전문간호사법제위원회 위원

      2019.01. - 2020.12. 한국노인간호학회 부회장

      2019.01. - 2019.12. 성북구치매안심센터 자문위원회 위원

      2018.12. - 현재 서울시 시정평가자문단 위원

      2018.11. - 현재 구로구치매안심센터 지역사회협의체 위원

      2018.10. - 2018.12. 한국간호교육평가원 2018 하반기 간호교육인증평가 평가위원

      2018.05. - 2020.04. 한국간호교육평가원 기준개발위원회 위원

      2018.04. - 현재 보건복지부 국가치매관리위원회 위원

      2018.03. - 2020.06. 대한간호협회 교육위원회 위원

      2018.01. - 현재 한국노인과학학술단체연합회 대의원

      2018.01. - 현재 한국노인과학학술단체연합회 등기이사

      2018.01. - 현재 한국노년학회 논문심사위원

      2018.01. - 현재 통일간호학회지 편집위원

      2017.11. - 2017.12. 서울시 치매중장기계획 TFT 위원

      2018.10. - 2020.09 보건복지부/과학기술정보통신부 국가치매연구개발위원회 위원

      2017.09. - 2020.12. 통일간호학회 교육이사

      2016.12. - 2021.02 고려대학교 간호대학 동아리 (참살이) 지도교수

      2016.04. - 현재 서울특별시 치매관리사업 협의체 운영위원

      2015.12. - 현재 국립 북부노인보호전문기관 사례판정위원

      2015.11. - 2017.10. 고려대학교 보건의료법정책연구센터 전문연구위원

      2015.10. - 2016.12. 한국치매케어학회 이사

      2015.09. - 현재 고려대학교 간호대학 교수

      2015.03. - 현재 고려대학교 중앙동아리 (고전기타부) 지도교수

      2015.01. - 2018.12. 노인간호학회 출판이사

      2014.03. - 2015.06. ICN Conference & CNR 2015 Seoul 조직위원회 편집위원

      2014.01. - 2014.01. MBC 생방송 여성토론 WITH 패널 출연

      2013.10. - 2015.06. ICN Conference 조직위원회 학생 분과 위원

      2013.02. - 2015.01. 고려대학교 간호대학 교우회 장학위원장

      2013.02. - 2015.01. 고려대학교 간호대학 대학원 주임

      2013.02. - 2015.01. 고려대학교 간호대학 간호학과 학과장

      2013.01. - 2014.12. 노인간호학회 홍보이사

      2012.11. - 현재 중앙치매센터 전문위원

      2011.09. - 2012.12. 노인간호학회 출판이사

      2011.02. - 20013.01. 고려대학교 교육대학원 간호교육 전공 주임

      2010.03. - 2012.02. 고려대학교 안암학사 여자사감

      2010.01. - 2011.12. 한국간호과학회지 편집위원

      2009.12. - 2018.12. 구로구 치매지원센터 자문위원

      2009.09. - 2015.08. 고려대학교 간호대학 부교수

      2009.08. - 2015.12. 고려대학교 양성평등센터조사위원회 위원

      2009.05. - 2011.12. 고려대학교 간호대학 교우회 상임이사

      2009.03. - 2010.02. 고려대 간호대학 교우회 교수지부 학술부장

      2009.01. - 2010.12. 노인간호학회 출판이사

      2008.09. - 2011.08. 한국치매협회 Dementia Care Conference 준비위원회 위원

      2008.09. - 현재 한국치매협회 교육위원

      2007.11. - 2018.12. 성북구 치매지원센터 자문위원

      2007.01. - 현재 노인전문간호사 교육과정 협의체 위원

      2007.01. - 현재 노인간호학회지 논문 심사위원

      2006.10. - 2012.12. 고려대학교 간호대학 동아리 (국제간호교류회) 지도교수

      2006.03. - 2011.12. 한국치매협회 정보소위원회 위원

      2006.03. - 2008.02. 한국간호과학회 영문 논문 심사위원

      2006.03. - 2008.02. 한국간호과학회 논문 심사위원

      2006.03. - 2008.02. 고려대학교 여자교수회 총무

      2005.08. - 2006.02. 고려대학교 대외협력처 ESP, VSP program 면접 교수

      2005.05. - 2018.05. 고려대학교 100주년 기념 세계대학 총장 포럼 대표교수

      2005.03. - 2009.08. 고려대학교 간호대학 조교수

      2004.09. - 2005.02. Postdoctoral Fellow

      Oregon Health & Science University School of Nursing, Portland, OR, USA

      2003.09. - 2005.07. Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist

      University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

      2002.09. - 2003.04. Hartford Scholar

      Lead, Link, and Learn Group Project - Consumer Survey on Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs), Sponsored by the John A. Hartford Foundation

      University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

      2002.09. - 2003.04. Research Assistant

      The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Nursing Interest Group DelphiSurvey: Setting a National Research Agenda for Gerontological Nursing

      University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

      1999.09. - 2003.07. Graduate Student Research Assistant

      Interactive Research Project Grant (IRPG) – Wandering Project

      University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

      1998.05. - 1999.07. Research Assistant, Wandering Research Team

      School of Nursing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

    Honors & Awards
    • Minister Prize, Minister of Health and Welfare (09, 2013)
    • Best Teaching (Myung) Award, Graduation School of Education, Korea University (08, 2012)
    • Outstanding Teaching (Seok-top) Award, Korea University ( 석탑강의상 , 고려대학교 총장 표창 (05, 2010)
    • Best Scientist Award, International Congress of Asian Society Against Dementia (10, 2009)
    • Judith Braun Award for advancing practice of gerontological nursing through research, National Gerontological Nursing Association, USA. (11, 2008)
    • Poster Award, Korean Academy of Nursing (11, 2007)
    • Judith Braun Clinical Research Award Finalists, National Gerontological Nursing Association, USA. (10, 2006)
  • Publication

    Journal Articles


    (2022) The Competence Scale in Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (CS-MBPSD) for family caregivers: Instrument development and cross-sectional validation study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 129, 104205.


    (2022) Korean Family Caregivers' Experiences With Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: Keeping Harmony in Daily Life. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 15(3), 141-150.


    (2021) Family caregiver competence in managing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: A concept synthesis. Japan Journal of Nursing Science (https://doi.org/10.1111/jjns.12462).


    (2021) Personhood communication with persons with dementia: Concept analysis. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 23(4), 406-417.


    (2021) Nurses’ Experiences on End-of-Life Care for Older Patients in Long-Term Care Hospitals: Focusing on the Process of Practice and Barriers. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 23(3), 311-322.


    (2021) Dementia-Specialized Educational Needs for Employees of Dementia-related Institutions in South Korea and Future Directions for Improvement. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 23(2), 140-153.


    (2021) An Evolutionary Concept Analysis of Gerontophobia. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 23(1), 1-12.


    (2020) Strategies to improve continuity maintenance for people with dementia: a rapid realist review. Public Health, 181, 46-52.


    (2019) Maintenance of Continuity in Older Adulthood: Concept Analysis,. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 30(2), 106-113.


    (2019) Current Status of Nursing Education in North Korea. Journal of Korean Unification & Nursing, 1(2), 75-83.


    (2019) Factors related to Use of Physical Restraints for Older Adults with Dementia in Long-term Care Settings. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 21(1), 125-134.


    (2018) National study of the nutritional status of Korean older adults with dementia who are living in long-term care settings, Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 15(4), 318-329.


    (2018) Patient and Caregiver Interplay in Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: Family Caregiver's Experience, Clinical Nursing Research, 27(1), 12-34.


    (2018) Maintenance of Continuity in Older Adulthood: Concept Analysis, International Journal of Nursing Knowledge.


    (2018) Perception about Shared Decision Making of Family Caregivers of Early Dementia Patients: A Qualitative Content Analysis Study, Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society, 38(3), 501-519.


    (2018) Baccalaureate Competencies and Curriculum in Gerontological Nursing, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 20(2), 76-85.


    (2018) Effects on Turnover Intention due to Terminal Care Stress of Nurses Working in Long-term Care Hospitals, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 20(3), 217-288.


    (2017) Empathy in Family Caregivers for Persons with Dementia: A Q Methodology Study, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 19(3), 214-225.


    (2017) Effects of Video Assisted Education Using Smartphone on Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy, Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 24(1), 60-71.


    (2016) A Relationship between Depression and Wandering in Community-Dwelling Elders with Dementia, Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders, 15(1), 1-6. 


    (2016) Nonverbal Pain Measurement for Elders: A Literature Review, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 18(3), 147-158.


    (2016) Predictors of Agreement with Writing Advance Directives Among Older Korean Adults, Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 27(6), 574-582.


    (2016) Development of a Wandering Management Guideline for Family Caregivers of Community-dwelling Elders with Dementia, Journal of Korean Gerontological Society, 36(4), 1087-1107.


    (2015) Family Caregiver’s Experience in Managing Wandering of Elders with Dementia, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 17(3), 152-165.


    (2015) Evaluation of Clinical Usefulness of Delirium Assessment Tools for Elderly Patients after Neurosurgery, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 17(1), 38-47.


    (2015) Development of Web-based Educational Program for Family Caregivers in Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, Journal of Korean Gerontological Society, 35(2), 411-432.


    (2015) The association between the burden on formal caregivers and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in Korean elderly in nursing homes, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 29(5), 346-354.


    (2015) Factors influencing the degree of eating ability among people with dementia, Journal of Clicical Nursing, 24(11-12), 1707-1717.


    (2013) Gerontological Nursing Education in BSN Programs in South Korea: Present Status and Direction for Improvement in the Future, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 15(3), 185-191.


    (2013) Effects of a Web-based Education Program Designed for Nursing Home Caregivers to Enhance the Management of Behavioral Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD), Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing 15(3), 192-204.


    (2013) State of the science on non-pharmacological interventions for wandering of people with dementia, International Psychogeriatrics, 25, S30-31.


    (2013) Knowledge, Experience and Preference on Advance Directives among Community and Facility Dwelling Elderly, The Korean Gerontological Society, 33(3), 581-600.


    (2013) Effect of Domain-Specific Life Satisfaction on Depressive Symptoms in Late Adulthood and Old Age: Results of a Cross-Sectional Descriptive Survey , Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 27(2), 101-107.


    (2013) Impact of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia on Caregiver Burden in Nursing Homes, Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 15(1), 62-74.


    (2012) Educational Needs on Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia among Certified Nursing Caregivers in Nursing Homes. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 14(3), 220-232.


    (2012) Characteristics of Eating Behavior in Elders with Dementia residing in Long-Term Care Faciliies, Journal of Korea Academy of Nursing, 42(4), 466-476.


    (2012) Investigation of the factors relative to the health promotion behavior practice among Korean elders residing in a retirement community, The Korean Gerontological Society, 32(1), 51-66.


    (2011) Effects of an Institution-based Group Walking Program(IGWP) to Manage Wandering Behavior of Persons with Dementia Residing in Nursing Homes:A Pilot Study. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 13(1), 37-47.


    (2011) Estimates of Crowding in Long-Term Care: Comparing Two Approaches. Health Environment Research Design Journal, 4, 61, 74.


    (2009) Comparison of Environmental Characteristics and Wandering Behavior of Persons with Dementia Residing in Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) and General Nursing Facilities (GNF). Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 11(1), 90-99.


    (2009) Relationship between familiar environment and wandering behavior among persons with dementia in Korea. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(9), 1365-1373.


    (2008) Premorbid Characteristics and Wandering Behavior in Persons with Dementia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 22(6), 318-327.


    (2008) Factors affecting burden of family caregivers of community-dwelling ambulatory elders with dementia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 22(4), 226-234.


    (2008) Wandering Behavior in Korean Elders with Dementia Residing in Nursing Homes. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 38(1), 29-38.


    (2008) Correlation of Way-finding and Wandering in Korean Elders with Dementia at Home. Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society, 28(1), 69-86.


    (2008) Types and influential variables in smoking temptation of adult smokers. Journal of Korean Academy of Adult Nursing, 20(1), 126-134.


    (2008) Wandering behavior of persons with dementia in Korea: Investigation of related factors. Aging and Mental Health, 12(3), 366-373.


    (2008) Types of Smoking Decision Making-Temptation in Adolescents and Related Characteristics. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 15(1),60-70.


    (2007) Factors Affecting Loneliness in Community Dwelling Korean Elders. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing, 14(3), 371-381.


    (2007). Initial Psychometric Evaluation of the Wayfinding Effectiveness Scale. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 29(8), 1015-1032.


    (2007) Interpersonal Attachment Style, Emotional Regulation, and Symptoms of Stress, among University Students. Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 16(2), 198-204.


    (2006) The relation of self-reported adult attachment style, perceived parental rearing style and anger in undergraduate students. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing, 13(2), 304-311.


    (2006) Translation and Validation of the Revised-Algase Wandering Scale (Community Version) among Korean Elders with Dementia. Aging and Mental Health, 10(2), 143-150.


    (2005). Do past behavioral stress responses predict wandering in persons with dementia? The Gerontologist, 45 (Special Issue II), 243-244.


    (2005). A comparison of wandering behavior in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 19(2), 181-196.


    (2004) Korean Version of the Revised Algase Wandering Scale: Reliability and Validity Estimates. Paper Presentation. The Gerontologist, 44 (Special Issue I), 448-449.


    (2004) The factors related to burden of family caregivers with community dwelling demented elders in Korea. Paper Presentation. The Gerontologist, 44 (Special Issue I), 453-454.


    (2004) The interrelatedness of wandering and wayfinding in a community sample of persons with dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 17(3), 231-239.


    (2004) Keeping wandering nursing home residents at the table: Improving food intake using a behavioral communication intervention. Aging & Mental Health, 8(2), 109-116.


    (2004) Validation of the Algase Wandering Scale (Version 2) in a Cross Cultural Sample. Aging & Mental Health, 8(2), 133-142.


    (2003) Comparison of U.S., Canadian, and Australian participants' performance on the Algase Wandering Scale-Version 2 (AWS-V2). Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 17(3), 241-256.


    (2003) Relationship of premorbid personality to wandering behavior of residents with dementia in long term care facilities. The Gerontologist, 43 (Special Issue I), 339.


    (2002) Differences in ratings on the Algase Wandering Scale (AWS-Version 2) by age, sex, and medical basis of dementia. The Gerontologist, 42 (Special Issue I), 84.


    (2000) Issues in establishing reliabilities of a communication intervention to increase mealtime table-sitting in severely cognitively impaired, wandering nursing home residents. The Gerontologist, 40 (Special Issue I), 306.



    (2021) 초고령사회 대전환을 위한 KAGG 아젠다. (사)한국노인과학학술단체연합회.


    (2020) 치매환자 맞춤형 사례관리 사업 실무매뉴얼. 경기도치매안심센터.


    (2020) 제4차 치매관리종합계획(2021-2025) 수립 연구. 보건복지부, 국립중앙의료원. 


    (2020) 요양보호사를 위한 치매전문교육 과정: 치매와 치매환자의 이해. 서울특별시, 서울특별시광역치매센터. 


    (2020) 노인간호학. 현문사. 


    (2019) 치매전문교육 체계화 방안 마련 연구. 보건복지부, 중앙치매센터. 


    (2019) 치매전문교육 표준 교육과정 개발 연구. 최종보고서. 중앙치매센터, 고려대학교. 


    (2019) 한국표준건강분류 평가도구 적용 및 활용 등 연구. 최종보고서. 통계청, 고려대학교. 


    (2019) 노인성 질환관리I, II. 현문사. 


    (2018) 치매안심센터 맞춤형사례관리 매뉴얼. 중앙치매센터.


    (2018) 한국표준건강분류 통계작성 및 활용 등 연구. 최종보고서. 통계청, 고려대학교.


    (2018) 치매안심센터 사례관리 표준 업무 지침 개발 연구. 최종보고서. 보건복지부, 중앙치매센터.


    (2017) 한국표준건강분류 활용자료 개발 등 연구. 최종보고서. 통계청, 고려대학교.


    (2017) 치매안심센터 치매 기초소양 교육과정 교재. 중앙치매센터.


    (2017) 노인간호학. 정담미디어.


    (2016) 치매전문교육 교재: 기본과정. 보건복지부, 중앙치매센터, 건강보험공단.


    (2014) 치매노인 가족을 위한 행동심리증상 대처 교육 동영상 5편 제작(“마음 읽어주기 II”: 망상, 환각, 배회, 식사, 배설). 중앙치매센터.


    (2014) 요양보호사 치매전문교육 기본교재 1, 보건복지부/중앙치매센터/국민건강보험.


    (2013) 치매노인 가족을 위한 행동심리증상 대처 교육 동영상 3편 제작(“마음 읽어주기”: 공격성, 반복행동, 무감동). 중앙치매센터, 2013. 08


    (2013) Gerontological Nursing, Jungdam media Publication Co.


    (2013) Interventions for Alzheimer's disease: a caregiver's complete reference. The Korean Association For Dementia.


    (2012) Practice guideline for the elderly care, Jungdam media Publication Co.


    (2011) Nursing for the elderly with dementia, Pucific Publisher Co.


    (2008) Health Promotion for Older Adults. Hyunmoon Publisher Co.


    (2007) Evidence-Based Protocols for Managing Wandering Behaviors, Springer: NY


    (2006) Workbook for Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses, Hyunmoon Publisher Co.

  • Research

    • -Development of educational programs for informal and formal caregivers of persons with dementia
    • -Non-pharmacological management for behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
    • -Wandering behavior of persons with dementia
    • -Concept development of caregiver skill in management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
    • -Advanced directives
    • -Eating difficulty in persons with dementia
    • -Health promotion practice in older adults
    • -Frailty among older adults
  • Teaching

    Undergraduate Program
    • Gerontological Nursing
    • Gerontological Nursing practice
    • Health and Internationalization
    • Introductory Nursing Practice
    Grduate Program
    Master's Level
    • Introduction to Gerontological Nursing and Welfare of Older Adults
    • Practicum in Introduction to Gerontological Nursing and Welfare of Older Adults
    • Management of Health Problems in Older Adults I, II
    • Practicum in Management of Health Problems in Older Adults I, II
    • Health Promotion for Older Adults
    • Practicum in Health Promotion for Older Adults
    • Advanced Gerontological Nursing
    Doctoral Level
    • Seminar on Gerontological Nursing
  • Lab Members

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