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고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. Jooyoung Park


Sustainable Resource Management and Policy Group

  • About Professor
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
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  • Profile

    Jooyoung Park


    Associate Professor

    Graduate School of Energy and Environment (KU-KIST Green School)

    Korea University

    Seoul 02841


    Office: KU R&D Center, 519

    Email: jy_park@korea.ac.kr

    Webpage: http://faculty.korea.ac.kr/srm


    Associate editor, Journal of Industrial Ecology (April 2016 - Present)

    Board member, International Society for Industrial Ecology (May 2020 - Present)

    Nominating committee, International Society for Industrial Ecology (December 2015 - December 2018)

    Board member, Eco-Industrial Development Council Section of the ISIE (July 2013 - June 2017)

    Conference co-chair, ISIE 2016 Americas Meeting (June 2013)

  • Publication

    Refereed Journal Articles


    Chertow, M., Graedel, T.E., Kanaoka, K.S.*, and Park, J. 2020. The Hawaiian Islands: Conceptualizing an Industrial Ecology Holarchic System, Sustainability 12(8): 3104.

    Jeong, S. and Park, J.* 2020. Evaluating urban water management using a water metabolism framework: A comparative analysis of three regions in Korea, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 155: 104597.

    Park, J.*, Duque-Hernandez, J., and Diaz-Posada, N. 2018. Facilitating business collaborations for industrial symbiosis: the pilot experience of the Sustainable Industrial Network Program in Colombia, Sustainability 10(10): 3637.

    Park, J.Y.*, Diaz Posada, N.L., and Mejia-Dugand, S. 2018. Challenges in implementing the extended producer responsibility in an emerging market: the end-of-life tire management in Colombia. Journal of Cleaner Production 189: 754 – 762.

    Van Ewijk, S.*, Park, J.Y., and Chertow, M. 2018. Reuse potential of waste in the global paper life cycle. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134: 48 – 60.

    Park, J.Y., Park, J.M., and Park, H.S.* 2018. Scaling-up of industrial symbiosis in the Korean National Eco-industrial Park Program: Examining its evolution over the 10 years between 2005-2014, Journal of Industrial Ecology 23(1): 197-207.

    Boons, F.*, Chertow, M., Park, J.Y., Spekkink, W., and Shi, H. 2017. Industrial symbiosis dynamics and the problem of equivalence: proposal for a comparative framework. Journal of Industrial Ecology 21(4): 938-952.

    Park, J.M., Park, J.Y., and Park, H-S.* 2016. A review of the National Eco-Industrial Park Development Program in Korea: Progress and achievements in the first phase, 2005-2010. Journal of Cleaner Production 114: 33-44.

    Park, J.Y. and Gupta, C.* 2015. Evaluating localism in the management of post-consumer plastic bottles in Honolulu, Hawai’i: Perspectives from industrial ecology and political ecology. Journal of Environmental Management 154: 299-306.

    Park, J.Y.* 2014. The Evolution of Waste into a Resource: Innovation in Technologies Reusing Coal Combustion By-products using Patent Data. Research Policy 43(10): 1816-1826.

    Park, J.Y. and Park, H.S.* 2014. Securing a Competitive Advantage through Industrial Symbiosis Development: The Case of Steam Networking Practices in Ulsan. Journal of Industrial Ecology 18: 677-683.

    Park, J.Y.* 2014. Assessing Determinants of Industrial Waste Reuse: The Case of Coal Ash in the United States. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 92: 116-127.

    Park, J.Y.* and Chertow, M. 2014. Establishing and Testing the “Reuse Potential” Indicator for Managing Wastes as Resources, Journal of Environmental Management 137: 45-53.

    Park, J.Y., Choi, Y.J., Moon, S., Shin, D.Y., and Nam, K.* 2009. Microbubble Suspension as a Carrier of Oxygen and Acclimated Bacteria for Phenanthrene Biodegradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 163(2/3), 761-767.

    Choi, J.Y., Park, J.Y., Kim, Y., and Nam, K.* 2008. Flow Characteristics of Microbubble Suspensions in Porous Media as an Oxygen Carrier, Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 36(1), 59-65.

    Park, J.Y., Lee, S., Han, J.K., and Nam, K.* 2006. Mitigation of Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emission by Stable Aqueous Foam-Microbial Media, Environmental Science and Technology, 40, 3030-3035.


    Book Chapters


    Van Hoof, B., and Park, J.Y. Industrial ecology for sustainability management, In Sustainability Management, School of Management, Universidad de los Andes.

    Chertow, M. and Park, J. 2016. Chapter 6. Scholarship and Practice in Industrial Symbiosis: 1989-2014. In Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology. Clift, R. and Druckman, A. eds. Springer.

    Chertow, M. and Park, J.Y. 2011. Reusing Non-hazardous Industrial Waste Across Business Clusters, In Waste: A Handbook for Management, Letcher, T.M. and D. Vallero, eds.



    박연수, 박주영, 김종주, 원유형, 2020. 기후변화 학술연구 협력 경향 분석: 공동저자 네트워크 구조 및 중개자 특성 분석을 중심으로, 기술혁신학회지 23(1): 162-180.

  • Research

    I am broadly interested in understanding sustainability of industrial activities from systems and interdisciplinary perspectives. Inspired by industrial ecology, my research focuses on examining the patterns of resource consumption - or the flows and transformations of physical materials such as products, waste, carbon, and water - within social, organizational, and institutional context. Specifically, I have focused on three main topics: 1) valuation of waste and innovation of waste recovery technologies (material and technology level), 2) business collaborations and eco-industrial development (industrial and industrial network level), and 3) evaluation of environmental policy such as circular economy and extended producer responsibility (policy level). My current work includes the material flow analysis of plastic products, estimation of industrial symbiosis potential in Korea,  carbon embodied in international trade of Korea, and interdisciplinarity of energy and environmental studies. 


  • Teaching

    Industrial Ecology (Graduate, Korea University)

    Advanced Methods for Industrial Ecology (Graduate, Korea University)

    Sustainable Development Seminar (Graduate, Korea University)

    Research Methods (Graduate, Korea University)

    Energy, Environment, and Policy (Graduate, GETPPP)

    Environmental Management (Undergraduate, Universidad de los Andes)

    Fundamentals of Ecosystem Services: Human-Nature Interactions (Undergraduate, Universidad de los Andes)

    Advanced Industrial Ecology Seminar (Graduate, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies)

    Environmental Management and Sustainability Analysis (Undergraduate, Seoul National University)


  • Lab Members

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