• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation



Hwang LEE 


법학전문대학원 원장·교수

Dean·Professor, Korea University School of Law



ICR센터 소장 <Link>
ICR Law Center (www.icr.re.kr)

한-중 MRLC 책임운영위원

Secretary Commissioner, Korea-China MRLC (www.mrlclaw.org)

신법학관 340호

Tel:  +82-2-3290-2879

E-mail: hwang_lee@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • 경력
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • 간행물
  • Publication
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    • Columbia Law School(New York), J.D./LL.M., 2003
    • 고려대학교 대학원 수료(행정법 전공), 1994
    • 고려대학교 법학과 졸업, 1991

    Columbia Law School(New York), J.D./LL.M., 2003 

         Executive Editor: The Columbia Journal of Asian Law

    Korea University Graduate School, Master in Law(ABT), 1994
         Major: Administrative Laws
    Korea University College of Law, LL.B., 1991


    Hwang LEE is the Dean of the Korea University School of Law currently and has been a professor at the School since 2008. His academic interest covers competition laws, digital platforms, intellectual property rights, telecommunication laws, consumer protection, and economic regulations.

    Prior to joining Korea University, Professor LEE served the Korea Fair Trade Commission for twelve years where played a leading role in prosecuting precedent-setting competition law cases including the Microsoft tying arrangement case. He concluded the service at the competition law authority with the final position of the Head of Emerging Competition Issues Team. Subsequently, he was appointed to a Research Counsel for the Justices of the Supreme Court of Korea (2006). In this role Professor LEE drafted final judgments for an extensive array of competition and administrative law cases, including the landmark POSCO Judgment (2007) that has set the liability standard in effects-based approach with regard to abuse of dominance. He has also worked as a consultant at the Division of Competition Law and Policy of OECD in Paris (1998) and clerked at the Northeast Regional Office of the Federal Trade Commission in New York (2002-2003).

    In September 2010, Professor LEE established the Innovation, Competition & Regulation Law Center (“ICR Law Center”) at Korea University, a research institution that specializes in interdisciplinary research of intellectual property rights, competition laws, telecommunication laws, and economic regulations. In May 2014, he also founded the Korea-China Market & Regulation Law Center (“MRLC”) in collaboration with the Economic Law Research Center of Renmin University in China Law School to develop Asian competition law and IPR studies. In 2018, he chaired the organization & procedure subgroup of the special committee on competition law overall amendment by the request of the KFTC. The subgroup produced ten items of recommendations for the KFTC to improve procedural fairness that were reflected in the next amendment of the Korean competition law. He extended his work to innovation and economic policy beyond competition policy and currently  chairs the Innovation Economy Division of the National Economic Advisory Council that advises the President of Korea. 

    As an international expert of competition laws and IPR regulations, Professor LEE often teaches at foreign schools, including Washington University in St. Louis Law School and Renmin University of China School of Law. He is also a frequent speaker and lecturer at diverse international conferences, including events hosted by the American Bar Association, Global Competition Review, and Asian Competition Association. He has been a member of the Dominance Divergence T/F within the Section of Antitrust Law at the ABA and chaired many ABA conferences.  

    Professor LEE earned his LL.B. from Korea University and J.D. & LL.M. from Columbia Law School in New York where he was an Executive Editor of the Columbia Journal of Asian Law. He is licensed to practice laws in the State of New York (U.S.) and has advised various Korean and multinational firms. 


    Professor LEE is the author of many articles and books and made presentations at numerous international conferences. Recent works published in English include: the term of "foreclosure" at the Global Dictionary of Competition Law (Concurrences, 2024); Differences and Alignment: Final Report of the Task Force on International Divergence of Dominance Standards (ABA Antitrust Law Section, 2019, co-authored with T/F members); China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Report 2014 through 2017 (co-edited with Prof. MENG Yanbei at Renmin University in China, available at Amazon.com); Competition Law and Intellectual Property in Korea, in The Cambridge Handbook of Antitrust, Intellectual Property, and High Tech (Roger D. Blair & Daniel Sokol ed., Cambridge University Press, 2014); Pay-for-delay: the Korean experience, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice Vol. 5, Issue 4, 2014; Hwang Lee & Byung Geon Lee, Korea, in The International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Albert A. Foer & Jonathan W. Cuneo ed., Edward Elgar, 2011)


    He has been also recognized as one of 25 most influential antitrust scholars around the world at the inaugural Antitrust Academics 2022 announced by the Global Competition Review. He was awarded the National Order of Service Merit in Red Stripes in 2020 for the contribution to promoting competition policy and law enforcement. 


  • 경력사항

    현재(2023~)      고려대학교 법학전문대학원/법무대학원 원장

    현재(2008~)      고려대학교 법학전문대학원(법과대학)/자유전공학부 교수 (경제법)

    현재(2012~)      고려대학교 법무대학원 공정거래법학과 주임교수

    현재(2010~)      고려대학교 혁신.경쟁.규제법센터(ICR센터) 소장(부소장, 사무국장)

    현재(2013~)      한-중 시장.규제법 센터(MRLC) 책임운영위원

    2019~2021       고려대학교 자유전공학부 학부장

    2012~2014       고려대학교 자유전공학부 '공공거버넌스와 리더쉽 융합전공' 주임교수

    2019~2019       고려대학교 대학원 법학과 주임교수
    2015~2015       Visiting Professor, Renmin University of China Law School
    2011~2012       Visiting Researcher, University of California San Diego IR/PS
    2010~2010       Visiting Professor, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law
    2006~2008       대법원 재판연구관(부이사관)
    2004~2006       공정거래위원회 신유형거래팀장, Microsoft 사건 전담팀장
    1994~2004       공정거래위원회(경제기획원, 재정경제원) 사무관
    2002~2003       Legal Clerk,Northeast Regional Office(New York), Federal Trade Commission
    1997~1998       Consultant, Division for Competition Law & Policy, OECD(Paris)
    1993                  제37회 행정고시
    Attorney at Law(admitted in New York)
    정부자문 등
    현재(2024~)      법무부 변호사시험관리위원회 위원
    현재(2023~)      공정거래위원회 공정거래정책자문위원
    현재(2021~)      국민경제자문회의 자문위원/혁신경제분과 분과장
    현재(2019~)      중앙징계위원회 위원 
    현재(2019~)      서울시 대리점거래분쟁조정협의회 위원장
    현재(2019~)      한국공정거래조정원 비상임이사
    현재(2018~)      한국공정거래조정원 약관분쟁조정협의회 위원
    현재(2015~)      금융위원회 법령해석심의위원회 위원
    2009~2023      공정거래위원회 경쟁정책자문위원
    2021~2023      중소벤처기업부 수위탁분쟁조정협의회 위원장
    2021~2023      중소벤처기업부 상생협력조정위원회 위원
    2023~2023      공정거래위원회 온라인플랫폼 규율개선 TF 민간위원장
    2020~2023      과학기술정보통신부 온라인 플랫폼 정책포럼 위원(1기, 3기)
    2020~2021      공정거래위원회 온라인 플랫폼분야 법집행기준 마련 TF 위원장
    2019~2022      인사혁신처 공무원재해보상연금위원회 위원 
    2019~2022      인사혁신처 정책자문위원회 위원 
    2019~2021      공정거래위원회 윤리위원회 위원
    2019~2019      법무부 변호사시험 시험위원
    2018~2018      공정거래위원회 공정거래법 전면개정 특별위원회 절차법제 분과 위원장
    2017~2018      경제사회발전 노사정위원회 외주화연구회 위원
    2016~2022      법제처 법령해석심의위원회 위원
    2015~2021      공정거래위원회 공적심사위원
    2015~2019      공정거래위원회 감사자문위원
    2015~2019      공정거래위원회 징계위원회 위원
    2014~2019      공정거래위원회 재신고사건 심사위원회 민간심사위원
    2014~2015      국무조정실 국정과제평가지원단 위원
    2013~2015      국가지식재산위원회 전문위원(활용분과)
    2012~2014      서울시 학교폭력대책지역위원회 위원
    2010~2014      방송통신위원회 법률자문위원
    2010~2014      공정거래위원회 자체평가위원
    2009~2013      서울시 한강보전자문회의 위원
    2008~2011      서울중앙지방검찰청 전문수사자문위원
    현재(2024~)      한중법학회 고문
    현재(2023~)      법학전문대학원협의회 이사, 감사
    현재(2023~)      대한변호사협회 인권과 정의 편집위원
    현재(2022~)      한국경쟁법학회 명예회장
    현재(2022~)      Digital Society 정회원
    현재(2020~)      한국유통법학회 부회장
    현재(2013~)      한국소비자법학회 부회장
    현재(2008~)      안암법학회 부회장, 이사
    현재(2008~)      한국경영법률학회 이사
    현재(2016~)      법률신문 판례해설위원
    현재(2015~)      한국경쟁포럼 이사
    2019~2021       한국경쟁법학회 회장
    2008~2019       한국경쟁법학회 부회장, 이사
    2009~2015       한국경쟁포럼 사무총장, 사무차장
    2013~2015       고려대학교 법학연구원 고려법학 편집위원
    2013~2015       한국경쟁법학회 경쟁법연구 편집위원
    2010~2014       경남대학교 경남법학 편집위원
    세계 경쟁법/경제학 분야 가장 영향력있는 학자 25인 선정(Global Antitrust Academics by the Global Competition Review)(2022)
    중소벤처기업부 장관 표창(2022)
    고려대학교 법학전문대학원 안암강의상(2010, 2015, 2020, 2024)
    고려대학교 법학전문대학원 최우수교원(2009)
    공정거래위원회 제1회 '올해의 공정인'(2005)


  • curriculum vitae

    The National Economic Advisory Council, Innovation Economy Division, Head of Division/Council Member, 2021-present (Seoul, Korea)
    Korea University School of Law, Professor/Associate Professor, 2008–present (Seoul, Korea)
                 Courses Taught: Competition Laws, Consumer Protection Laws, American Antitrust Laws, Legal Research
    Korea University Graduate School of Law, Director at Department of Competition Laws, 2012–present (Seoul, Korea)
    Korea University School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Dean, 2019–2021 (Seoul, Korea)
    Korea University Graduate School, Director at Department of Law, 2019 (Seoul, Korea)
    Korea University School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Director of Public Governance and Leadership Program, 2012-2014 (Seoul, Korea)
    ICR Law Center(Innovation, Competition & Regulation Law Center), Director/Deputy Director/Secretary General, 2010–present (Seoul, Korea)
    MRLC(Korea-China Market & Regulation Law Center), Secretary Commissioner, 2013-present (Beijing, China)
    Virtual ASEAN Competition Research Centre by AEGC, Researcher, 2018-present (Jakarta, Indonesia)
    Renmin University of China Law School, Visiting Professor at Executive Program, 2015 (Beijing, China)
    University of California San Diego IR/PS, Visiting Researcher, 2011-2012 (San Diego, US)
    Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, Visiting Professor at Executive LLM Program2010 (St. Louis, US)
    Supreme Court of Korea, Research Counsel for Justices, 2006–2008 (Seoul, Korea)
                 Major Responsibilities: Review & draft competition & administrative law cases, including the landmark POSCO decision in 2007 about threshold about abuse of dominance
    Korea Fair Trade Commission, Director/Deputy Director of many divisions, 1994–2006 (Kwachon, Korea)
                 Major Positons: Director of the Emerging Competition Issues Team, Head of the Task Force for Microsoft case, etc.
    OECD(Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development), Consultant at Division of Competition Law and Policy, 1997–1998 (Paris, France)
    Ministry of Finance and Economy, Intern Deputy Director of a division, 1994–1995 (Kwachon, Korea)
    One of the 25 Most Influential Antitrust Scholars in the World, Global Competition Review, 2022
    Commendation, Ministry of SMEs and Startups                                                                         2022
    National Order of Service Merit : Red Stripes                                                                              2020
    Anam Best Teaching Award, Korea University School of Law                    2010, 2015, 2020, 2024
    Best Professor of the Year, Korea University School of Law                                                       2009
    The first 'Man of the Year', Korea Fair Trade Commission                                                         2005
  • 간행물

    <영문 단행본>


    ㅇ Differences and Alignment: Final Report of the Task Force on International Divergence of Dominance Standards of the ABA Antitrust Law Section, Co-authored with T/F members, American Bar Association(2019.9)


    ㅇ China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Report 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 (Co-Chief Editor with Yanbei Meng at the Renmin University in China)

       * All editions are available at Amazon.com

    <영문 단행본 챕터>


    ㅇ Term of "Foreclusure", 「The Global Dictionary of Competition Law」, Concurrences(2024)


    ㅇ Competition Law and Intellectual Property in Korea, 「The Cambridge Handbook of Antitrust, Intellectual Property, and High Tech」 (Blair & Sokol  eds. 2017)


    ㅇ Chapter of “Korea", 「The International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law」, Co-authored with Byung Geon Lee, Edward Elgar Publishing(2010.11)


    <영문 논문>


    ㅇ Antitrust Fines in the Era of Globalization, The 15th Global Forum on Competition, OECD, Paris, France(2016.12)

    ㅇ Overview of Current Antitrust Enforcement in Korea, Competition Policy International(2014)
    ㅇ Pay-for-delay: the Korean experience, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 5(4) (2014.4)
     Influencing a Global Agenda: Implications of the Modernization of European Competition Law for the WTO, Erasmus Law and Economics Review 제2호(2004.6, available at www.eler.org)
    <국문 단행본 & 북 챕터>


    ㅇ 온라인주석서 방문판매법(집필대표), 톰슨로이터코리아(2023)


    ㅇ 「우리 시대의 영웅을 찾아서」(공저), 테오리아(2022)


    ㅇ “제3장 경쟁정책과 소비자법”(공저), 「소비자법」, 박영사(2013)

    ㅇ “특허 표준설정과 특허위협(hold-up)”, 「Global IP Trend」, 한국지식재산연구원(2011.12)
    ㅇ “현대오일뱅크의 거래거절 사건” 및 “포스코의 시장지배적 지위 남용행위 사건”, 「공정거래법 판례백선」, 기업법연구회, 사법발전재단(2011.12)
    ㅇ “제11장 한국 경쟁법의 발전과 세계화”, 「한국의 경쟁정책」, 형설출판사(2011.8)
    ㅇ “포항종합제철(주)의 시장지배적지위 남용행위에 대한 건” 및 “마이크로소프트 등의 시장지배적지위 남용행위에 대한 건”, 「공정거래위원회 심결사례 30선」, 공정거래위원회(2011.6)
    <국문 논문>


    ㅇ 공공선택론의 시각에서 본 한국의 기업결합정책- 대한항공·아시아나항공 사례(공저), 경영법률 제34권 제3호(2024.4), 한국경영법률학회


    ㅇ 완전자회사 부당지원행위와 경제적 동일체 - 대법원 SPP조선 판결을 참고하여, 서울대학교 법학 제62권 제3호(2021.9), 서울대학교 법학연구소


    ㅇ 공정거래법상 경제력집중 억제시책과 일반집중의 문제, 법학연구 제31권 제1호(2021.3), 연세대학교 법학연구원


    ㅇ 한국사회에서 영웅의 왜곡과 (재)소환(공저), 글로벌문화콘텐츠 제45호(2020.12), 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회


    ㅇ 코로나19 출구전략과 경쟁정책, 경쟁저널 제203호(2020.5), 공정경쟁연합회


    ㅇ 디자인 변경에 대한 경쟁법 규제와 구글쇼핑 사건, 선진상사법률연구 제90호(2020.4), 법무부


    ㅇ 영웅적 행동의 관점에서 간호의 사회적 인식 제고와 제언(공저), 한국의료윤리학회지 제23권제1호(2020.3), 한국의료윤리학회


    ㅇ 검색 중립성과 경쟁법 집행원리(공저), 경쟁법연구 제40권(2019.11), 한국경쟁법학회


    ㅇ 영웅적 행동의 사회적 확산을 위한 제언(공저), 법과 사회 제61호(2019.8), 법과사회이론학회
    ㅇ 공정거래법의 미션과 집행 시스템 개혁의 방향, 경쟁저널 제198호(2019.2), 공정경쟁연합회


    하도급관계에서 비정규직 문제— 하도급법상 제재와 인센티브 활용을 통한 해법의 모색 —, 경영법률 제28권 제3호(2018.4), 한국경영법률학회


    공정거래법상 ‘특수관계인에 대한 부당한 이익 제공행위’에서 ‘부당한 이익’의 해석론, 법학논문집 제41집(2017.8), 중앙대학교 법학연구원

    부당공동행위의 공동 자진신고 제도에 관한 관견(管見), 사법 제39호(2017.4), 사법발전재단
    공정거래법에서 ‘거래상 지위’의 개념과 판단기준, 법제연구 제51호(2016.12), 한국법제연구원
    ㅇ 공정위 비즈니스 모델과 '파괴적 혁신', 경쟁저널 제188호(2016.9), 공정경쟁연합회
    ㅇ 경쟁사업자 간 정보교환에서 ‘합의’의 의미와 입증수준 : 대법원 라면담합 판결에 대한 코멘트, 경쟁저널 제187호(2016.7), 공정경쟁연합회
    대리점법의 문제점과 향후 과제(공저), 법학연구 제57권(2016.5), 부산대학교 법학연구소
    ㅇ 대·중소기업 동반성장을 위한 하도급법의 역할과 구조적 접근 - 일본의 경험을 참고하여, 시장경제와 사회조화(남천 권오승 교수 정년기념논문집)(2015.03)
    공정거래위원회 법적 성격과 사건처리 및 불복의 절차(공저), 고려법학 제75호(2014.12), 고려대학교 법학연구원
    ㅇ 하도급법의 최근 개정동향과 발전방향 : 하도급대금 부당결정을 중심으로, 경쟁저널 제177호(2014.11), 공정경쟁연합회
    ㅇ 역지불 합의(reverse payment)에 대한 미국 Actavis 판결과 시사점」, 판례실무연구 제11권(하, 2014.11), 대법원 비교법실무연구회
    ㅇ 지식재산권의 라이선싱과 경쟁법 위반, 경쟁저널 제172호(2014.1), 공정경쟁연합회
    말레이시아 경쟁법에 관한 연구(공저), 경쟁법연구 제26권(2012.11), 한국경쟁법학회
    인도 경쟁법의 최근 발전에 관한 연구(공저), 경쟁법연구 제24권(2011.11), 한국경쟁법학회
     회사분할과 과징금 납부책임의 승계 가능성, 고려법학 제53호(2009.6), 고려대학교 법학연구원
    ㅇ 공정거래법상 대규모내부거래 공시의 대상, 경쟁저널 제135호(2007.11.), 한국공정경쟁연합회
    ㅇ 불이익제공행위에 있어서 부당성의 판단기준과 사례, 대법원 판례해설 2006 하반기편(통권 제64호, 2007.8.)
    ㅇ 부당지원행위에 있어서 옵션CP의 성격과 구속력, 대법원 판례해설 2006 하반기편(통권 제64호, 2007.8.)
    ㅇ 부당공동행위의 추정과 법령상 정당한 행위, 대법원 판례해설 2006 하반기편(통권 제64호, 2007.8.)
    ㅇ 사업자단체의 부당공동행위와 실행행위, 대법원 판례해설 2006 하반기편(통권 제64호, 2007.8.)
    ㅇ 가격담합 등 경성카르텔의 위법성 판단요건(공동집필), 경쟁저널 제117호(2005.5), 한국공정경쟁연합회
    ㅇ 공정거래 심결분석 : 철근제조 7사의 부당한 공동행위에 대한 건, 경쟁저널 제101호(2004.1), 한국공정경쟁연합회
    ㅇ 공정거래 심결분석 : 용산화학(주)의 코리아피티지(주) 합병 건, 공정경쟁 제100호(2003.12), 한국공정경쟁연합회 
    ㅇ 카르텔일괄정리법의 입법취지와 향후 정책방향 : 보험산업을 중심으로, 손해보험(1999.5) 등
  • Publications & Major Presentations at International Conferences




    Antitrust Fines in the Era of Globalization, The 15th Global Forum on Competition, OECD, Paris, France(2016.12)


    Overview of Current Antitrust Enforcement in Korea (2014)


    Pay-for-delay: the Korean experience, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (2014)


    Balancing of Competitive Effects of Abuse of Dominance in Asian Countries (2010) (working paper)


    Influencing a Global Agenda: Implications of the Modernization of European Competition Law for the WTO, Erasmus Law and Economics Review (2004), available at www.eler.org





    Why Korea's Merger Control Occasionally Fails: A Public Choice Analysis of Korean Air/Asiana Airlines, Business Administration and Law (2024)


    The Subsidizing Transaction by a Mother Company for a Wholly Owned Subsidiary in the Competition Law and a Single Economic Entity - In the Reference of the SPP Shipbuilding Case by the Supreme Court , Seoul Law Journal (2021)


    Issues of General Concentration and Countermeasures over Excessive Economic Concentration in Korea's Competition Law, Yonsei Law Review (2021)


    The Distortion and (Re)summon of Heroes in Korea, Global Cultural Contents (Corresponding Author, 2020)


    Exit Strategy from Corona19 Crisis and Competition Policy, Journal of Competition (2020)


    Antitrust Enforcement Against Design Changes and the Google Shopping Case, Advanced Commercial Law Review (2020)


    Raising the Social Perception of Nursing and Proposing Its Methods in the Perspective of Heroism, Korean Journal of Medical Ethics (Corresponding Author, 2020)


    Search Neutrality as a Guiding Principle for Competition Law and/or Government Regulation, Journal of Korean Competition Law (Corresponding Author, 2019)


    Towards the Social Propagation of Heroism, Korean Journal of Law & Society (2019)


    Mission of Fair Trade Laws and the Direction for Enforcement SystemJournal of Competition (2019)


    Problems of Contingent Jobs in Subcontract – Seeking Solutions By Combination of Sanctions and Incentives in Subcontract Act, Journal of Business Administration & Law (2018)


    The Interpretation of the Requirement of “Inappropriate Benefit” in the Prohibition of Providing Inappropriate Benefit to Persons with Special Interests under the Korean Competition Law, Chung-Ang Journal of Legal Studies (2017)


    Perspectives on the Joint Filing of Leniency Application on Cartel, Juris (2017)


    Concept and Criteria of ‘Superior Bargaining Position’ in Korean Competition Laws, Journal of Legislation Research (2016)


    Business Model of the Korea Fair Trade Commission and Disruptive Innovation, Journal of Competition (2016)


    Meaning of Agreement and Burdeon of Proof in Cases of Information Exchange among Competitors, Journal of Competition (2016)


    Need for Economic Analysis in Line with Common Sense and Intuition, Korea Law Review (Corresponding Author, 2016)


    The Problem and Task of The Distribution Practices Fair Trade Act, Pusan National University Law Review (Corresponding Author, 2016)


    The Role of the Sub-Contract Law for  Parallel Development between Large-Small Enterprises  and Structural Approaches - With a Reference from the Experience of Japan, Pusan Boor to Commemorate the Retirement of Prof. Oh-Seoung Kwon (2015)


    Legal Characteristics of the Korea Fair Trade Commission and Case Handling Procedures, Korea Law Review (Co-author, 2014)


    Recent Amendmenf and Future Development of Sub-Contract Law: With a Focus on Pricing Practices, Journal of Competition (2014)


    US Actavis Decision about Reverse Payment and Its Implications, Supreme Court Case Law Study (2014)


    Proposal to Introduce Vertical Categorization of Government Regulations - with Emphasis on Competition Laws and Consumer Protection LawsAnam Law Review (2014)


    IPR Licensing and Breach of Competition Laws, Journal of Competition (2014)


    Development of 'Unreasonableness' Criteria in the Supreme Court Decisions about Abuse of Dominance after the POSCO Decision, Studies on Public Administration Cases (2012)


    A Study on Malaysian Competition Law, Journal of Korean Competition Law (Corresponding Author, 2012)


    Requirements for Regulation by Competition Laws over Hold-up by Breach of FRAND CommitmentJustice (2012)


    Regulation by Competition Laws over Hold-up by Failure to Disclose Essential Patent Rights in Standard-setting Process, Journal of Industrial Property (2011)


    A Study on Competition Law of India: Current Development and Enforcement, Journal of Korean Competition Law (Corresponding Author, 2011)


    Regulatory Structure of Korean Competition Law over Unilateral Conducts (II); - The Nature and Criteria of Illegality of Refusal to Deal as a kind of Unfair Trade PracticesEconomic Law Journal (2010)


    Feasibility of the Program Access Rule Introduction into the Pay-TV Market, Anam Law Review (2010)


    Needs and Devices to Protect Statements of Cartel Leniency Applicants from U.S. Discovery (II)Journal of Korean Competition Law (First Author) (2010)


    Needs and Devices to Protect Statements of Cartel Leniency Applicants from U.S. DiscoveryJournal of Korean Competition Law (First Author) (2009)


    Succession of Liability for Administrative Surcharges in Corporate SplitKorea Law Review (2009)


    Scope and Limits of Application of Competition Law to Insurance Business: With a Focus on Supreme Court Decision 2004Du8323Journal of Korean Competition Law (2008)


    Regulatory Structure of Korean Competition Law over Unilateral Conducts - The Nature and Criteria of Illegality of Abuse of Market Dominance, Considered by the POSCO DecisionJuris (2008)


    Prospect of the Amendments of Cartel Regulation of the Fair Trade Act; Focused on the Presumption of Agreement by LawJournal of Korean Competition Law (2007)


    Characteristics and Binding Effects of Option CP in Undue Internal Transactions, Commentary on Decisions of the Supreme Court of Korea, vol. 2006 Winter (2007)


    Inference of Agreements in Cartels and Justification by Statutes, Commentary on Decisions of the Supreme Court of Korea, vol. 2006 Winter (2007)


    Cartel by Business Association and Its Implementation, Commentary on Decisions of the Supreme Court of Korea, vol. 2006 Winter (2007)


    Thoughts about Tying Arrangement as a Kind of Unfair Trade Practices; Considered by Supreme Court Decision 2004Du3014Journal of Korean Competition Law (2008)


    Requirements for Antitrust Liability in Hardcore Cartels including Price-fixing, Journal of Competition, vol. 117 (2005)


    Korea Fair Trade Commission Case Analysis: Price-fixing of Steel Enforcements, Journal of Competition, vol. 101 (2004)


    Korea Fair Trade Commission Case Analysis: Merger between Yongsan Chemical. & Korea P.T.G., Journal of Competition, vol. Dec. 2003 (2003)


    Legislation Purpose of the Institutional Cartel Repeals Act  and Future Policy Direction: Focusing on the Insurance Industry, Property Insurance (1999) 







    Differences and Alignment: Final Report of the Task Force on International Divergence of Dominance Standards of the ABA Antitrust Law Section, Co-authored with T/F members, American Bar Association (2019)


    China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Report 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 (Co-Chief Editor with Yanbei Meng at the Renmin University in China)

      * All editions are available for sale at Amazon.com


    Korea’s Developmental Experiences in Operating Competition policies for Lasting Economic Development, 2013 Modularization of Korea’s Development Experience, Ministry of Strategy and Finance & Korea Development Institute (2014)




    A Search for Heros in Contemporary  Times, Co-authored, Theoria Publication (2022)






    Competition Law and Intellectual Property in Korea, in 「Cambridge Handbook of Antitrust, Intellectual Property, and High Tech」 (Blair & Sokol  eds. 2017)


    Korea, in International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law, Ch. 34 (Albert A. Foer & Jonathan W. Cuneo ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010), Co-authored with Byung Geon Lee)



    Annotation on the Act on Door-to-Door Sales, Thompson Reuters Korea (Corresponding Author, 2023)


    Competition Policy and Consumer Law, in Consumer Law, Ch. 3 (2013)


    Globalization and Developments of Korean Competition Laws,  in  Korean Competition Policy, Ch. 11 (2011)


    Standard Patent and hold-up, in Global IP Trend (2011)


    Case reviews about Refusal to Deal by POSCO & Refusal to Deal by Hyundai Oil Bank, in Hundred Big Competition Law Cases (2011)


    Case reviews about Refusal to Deal by POSCO & Tying Arrangements by Microsoft, in Thirty Big Cases at the Korea Fair Trade Commission (2011)





    Keynote Speaker, The Change of Economic Landscape around the World and Digital Platform Regulation, The Third Global Forum on the Rule of Law - The International Forum on The Future Rulf of Law and Digital Law, Renmin University of China, Beijing China (2022)


    Panelist, Overview of Competition Law Chaleeges in the Digital Economy, 1st EU-Korea Competition Week, Korea Fair Trade Commission & European Commission Directorate-General for Competition, Seoul Korea (2019)


    Co-Chair & Moderator, The Role of Innovation and Technology in Competition Law and Enforcement in East Asia, The New Engine of Growth in Asia Conference: Investment and Technology, Section of International Law, American Bar Association, Seoul Korea (2018)


    Chair & Moderator, Enforcement and their Efficiency Algorithms and Competition Enforcement, The 10th Seoul International Competition Forum, Korea Fair Trade Commission, Seoul Korea (2016)


    Co-Chair & Moderator, Divergence in Dominance: Exploitative Abuses, Global Seminar Series: Singapore, Section of Antitrust Law, American Bar Association, Singapore (2018)


    Panelist, Proceedings of The Dominance Divergence Task Force, 66th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, Section of Antitrust Law, American Bar Association, Washington DC. USA (2018)


    Asian Culture and Development of Market Economy, International Conference on Culture, the Rule of Law & Social Development, Renmin University of China, Beijing China (2017)


    How to Enforce the Fairness Doctrine in Asian Countries? - Unfair Methods of Competition Around the World, 65th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, Section of Antitrust Law, American Bar Association, Washington DC. USA (2017)


    Recent Trends of Antitrust Enforcement over SEPs, ECCK Seminar on Standard Essential Patents - An Overview of the Current Landscape and a Glimpse into the Future, European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Seoul Korea (2017~2018)

    Antitrust Fines in the Era of Globalization, 15th OECD Global Forum on Competition, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris France (2016)


    Chair & Moderator, Information Exchange among Competitors, The 9th Seoul International Competition Forum, Korea Fair Trade Commission, Seoul Korea (2016)

    Antitrust Regulation over IPR Abuse by ASBP - Experience of Korea, International Conference on Anti-monopoly and IP, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai China (2016)

    The Role of SEPs in Korean Economy and Antitrust Enforcement System, GCR Live 2nd Annual IP & Antitrust Asia-Pacific, Global Competition Review, Seoul Korea (2016)


    Panelist, Problems with Global Antitrust Enforcement, Yale Antitrust Conference Enforcer Roundtable, Yale School of Management, New Haven, USA (2016)


    Competition Policy and IPR Regulation for Korean Economy: Keynote Address, GCR Live IP & Antitrust Asia-Pacific, Global Competition Review, Seoul Korea (2015)


    2014 KFTC IPR Guidelines: NPE Issues, GCR Live IP & Antitrust Asia-Pacific, IP Committee, World Semiconductor Council, Seoul Korea (2015)


    Emerging Global Business Regulator - Asian Competition Laws, The 8th Seoul International Competition Forum, Korea Fair Trade Commission, Seoul Korea (2014)


    Recent Patent Settlement Case in Korean Pharmaceutical Industry, Universite Saint Louis & the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Brussels Bellguim (2013)


    Panelist, Background of the Disputes and Forecasts, American Bar Association Section of International Law 2013 Fall Meeting - The Smartphone Wars: What's New Under the Sun?, Section of International Law, American Bar Association, London UK (2013)


    Main Issues of International Competition Law Enforcement in Asia:  Fairness and Evidence Gathering, 18th Annual EU Competition Law and Policy Workshop, EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE, Florence Italy (2013)


    Implications of the Patent Disputes between Samsung and Apple, The 3rd International Intellectual Property & Industrial Security Conference, The Financial News & Presidential Council on intellectual Property, Seoul Korea (2013)


    Panelist, IPRs and antitrust – what’s the proper relationship?, GCR Live: 2nd Annual Law Leaders Asia-Pacific, Global Competition Review, Singapore (2013)


    Panelist, How Far Can Patent Holders Go?, Intellectual Property Committee & the International Committee, Section of Antitrust Law, American Bar Association, New York USA (2013)


    Imbalance involving IPR and Competition Policy, The 7th Seoul International Competition Forum, Korea Fair Trade Commission, Busan Korea (2012)


    Panelist, the 2nd International Conference of Intellectual Property, Standards and Antimonopoly Law, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Beijing China (2012)


    Expert Witness at Mock Patent Trial, AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property), 43rd World Intellectual Property Congress, Seoul Korea (2012)


    Balancing of Competitive Effects of Abuse of Dominance in Asian Countries, Technology Transaction and Antitrust, Chengchi University & Cornerstone Intellectual Property Foundation, Taipei Taiwan (2011)


    Judicial Review of Competition Law Cases in Korea, The Sixth UN Conference, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva Switzerland (2010)


    Balancing of Competitive Effects of Abuse of Dominance in Asian Countries, 2010 Annual Conference, Asia Competition Association, Seoul Korea (2010)


    Constructing a Tri-polar System in World Competition Law Enforcement and Cooperation between Korea and China, China-Korea Laws Dialogue Forum, Beijing China (2009)



    Act on door-to-door sales


  • Lab Members

    김현수(07), 배현정(07), 김용중(08), 정재훈(09), 장대은(11), 이혁(12), 박창규(20), 김성균(21), 류시원(22 전문박사), 김재득(23), 김혁용(23), 이상윤(23), 박경미(24)
    최지필(08), 박영진(12), 류인규(12), 유현신(14), 이승상(14), 강우경(14), 윤현정(14), 성형석(15), 김혜륜(15), 윤진하(16), 신기정(16), 김지호(16), 최명례(17), 김익두(17), 이동원 (17) , 이지백 (17) , 문재호(18), 구성림(18), Ron Lubosco(18), 오규성(18), 진재인(18), 김노은(18), 오남성(19), 민제원(19), 김민선(20전), 김진홍(20전), 배은정(20전), 서준호(20전), 정유나(20전), 김해나(20후), 유현석(20후), 전찬수(20후), 김상훈(20후), 윤희진(20후), 박성환(21전), 이기쁨(21전), 전경수(21전), 차주현(21전), 황창기(21전), 양웅규(21후), 엄대용(21후), 고명지(22전), 안소윤(22전), 정선화(22전), 서정규(22후), 김성근(23전), 복금태(23전), 유현근(23전), 조흥(23전), 김정무(23후), 이현호(23후), 이강원(24전)
    전문박사과정(법학전문대학원, 입학연도)
    이의규(13), 박재희(14), 김범기(18), 이영창(20), 조영승(21), 김민지(21), 김유나(23)
    윤현정(14), 유현근(14), 정선화(21)
    이재민(08), 홍철의(09), 조영대(10), 박성진(11), 노영주(11), 김수영(12), 정연택(12), 윤정은(12), 최윤정(13), 한대광(12), 편병호(13), 김수영(14), 최이진(14), 채희상(14), 김진희(15), 정가애(15), 노희빈(16), Betül CANBEK(21), 김성준(23)
    (07학번) 오용환(졸업), 장대은(졸업), 정윤경(졸업)
    (08학번) 김민성, 김은주(졸업), 안덕호, 윤미경(졸업), 이영호, 장민아, 최인수(졸업), 이용일(졸업)
    (09학번) 금병일(졸업), 박새로, 배찬영, 안소연, 이상옥, 진칠수, 최이호
    (10학번) 남준우, 박장수(졸업), 유규형, 한성준(졸업), 이재석(졸업), 이화용, 전미(졸업), 전종식(졸업), 
    (11학번) 이원기, 이이용, 최승호, 차주환, 하종식
    (12학번) 정영교(졸업), 이성호, 박동표, 한동희(졸업), 강민철(졸업)
    (13학번) 김수련, 조원희, 변무현, 송동원
    (14학번) 김재득(졸업), 이동원(졸업), 임지예(졸업), 하웅, 박수연, 박소언, 손희상(졸업), 오세영(졸업)
    (15학번) 김윤후(졸업), 이수원(졸업), 박경미(졸업), 이채영(졸업), 신정민(졸업), 신종근, 송범준(졸업), 이재복(졸업)
    (16학번) 송영숙(졸업), 정다운, 정찬우
    (17학번) 김정민(졸업)
    (18학번) 전찬호, 서영진(졸업), 안희철(졸업), 이주현(졸업), 배현봉, 박세송(졸업)
    (19학번) 김관식(졸업), 김용선(졸업), 우병훈(졸업), 신영일(졸업), 김태동(졸업), 이희진, 송정은(졸업)
    (20학번) 이든솔(졸업), 황신아, 조성만(졸업), 이상호
    (21학번) 박영중, 황민형, 김정현, 조영현, 이명호
    (22학번) 나정환, 전순희, 임두진, 정민식, 한승훈
    (23학번) 강성일, 김대식, 김일광, 남광현, 노길종, 신승아, 원우철, 이성은, 조현웅, 홍시화, 박정철, 신현철, 안석현
    (24학번) 김승재, 손정숙, 신현웅, 이인지, 전승환, 조규성, 최형석
    1기(09학번) 강세라, 김선우, 장종철, 최휘진, 한세미
    2기(10학번) 윤진하, 이응진, 최재혁, 차영훈
    3기(11학번) 이승상, 이정민, 지승은, 강일
    4기(12학번) 노지은, 진범주, 최예원
    5기(13학번) 김광진, 서채완, 양인혜
    6기(14학번) 고지웅, 성지윤, 정혜수
    7기(15학번) 이성하, 최해웅
    8기(16학번) 박지영, 손주영, 양웅규
    9기(17학번) 김남용, 이강원, 이유경
    10기(18학번) 권민정, 박성원, 옥경훈, 최마리
    11기(19학번) 김강현, 김은진, 복금태, 정대성
    12기(20학번) 박지은, 소민희, 심재한
    13기(21학번) 박범근, 서동인, 이종수, 이지우
    14기(22학번) 김도영, 이지헌, 전지원
    15기(23학번) 김하민, 김희준, 이솔
    16기(24학번) 김재민, 이재용, 차상호