• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 김형동

Tel:  02-3290-5690

E-mail: hdkimx0286@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Laboratory
  • Profile

  • Curriculum

    • PhD., University of Florida 2002
    • MS, University of Florida 2000
    • BA, Daegu University 1996
    • BA, Korea University 1994
  • Publication

    International Journals
    • 1. Trimble MH, Brunt D, Jeon HS, Kim HD (2001). Modulations of soleus H-reflex excitability during gait initiation: central versus peripheral influences. Muscle &Nerve 24(10):1371-1379.
    • 2. Brunt D, Woo R, Kim HD, Ko MS, Senesac C, Li S (2004). The initial effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A on gait in children who are idiopathic toe-walkers. J Surg Ortho Adv 13(3):149-155.
    • 3. Brunt D, Santos V, Kim HD, Light K, Levy C (2005). Initiation of movement from quiet stance: comparison of gait and stepping in elderly subjects of different levels of functional ability. Gait &Posture 21(3):297-302.
    • 4. Kim HD, Brunt D (2007). The effect of a dual-task on obstacle crossing in healthy elderly and young adults. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 88(10):1309-1313.
    • 5. Kim HD (2008). Effects of a dual-task on crossing an obstacle versus initiating gait. J Phys Ther Sci 20(4):249-253.
    • 6. Kim HD (2009). Effects of Tai Chi exercise on the center of pressure trace during obstacle crossing in older adults who are at a risk of falling. J Phys Ther Sci 21(1):49-54.
    • 7. Kim HD (2009). Age-related changes in the center of pressure trajectory during obstacle crossing. J Phys Ther Sci 21(1):75-80.
    • 8. Kim HD (2009). The effect of a dual-task on the center of pressure trajectory of healthy young adults during obstacle crossing. J Phys Ther Sci 21(2):99-104.
    • 9. Kim HD (2009). A comparison of the center of pressure during stair descent in young and healthy elderly adults. J Phys Ther Sci 21(2):129-134.
    • 10. Kim HD (2009). The influence of aging on the center of pressure trajectory: a comparison of crossing an obstacle and stepping onto a curb from a position of quiet stance. J Phys Ther Sci 21(2):183-188.
    • 11. Kim HD, Brunt D (2009). The effect of a sensory perturbation on step direction or length while crossing an obstacle from quiet stance. Gait Posture 30(1):1-4.
    • 12. Kim HD, Han JT, Cho YH (2009). The effectiveness of community-based Tai Chi training on balance control during stair descent by older adults. J Phys Ther Sci 21(4):317-323.
    • 13. Ma SY, Kim HD (2010). The efficacy of a spinal decompression via DRX3000 combined with a spinal mobilization and a lumbar stabilization exercise program for patients with discogenic low back pain. J Phys Ther Sci 22(4):345-354.
    • 14. Ma SY, Kim HD (2010). The effect of motorized spinal decompression via SpineMED combined with physical therapy modalities for patients with cervical radiculopathy. J Phys Ther Sci 22(4):429-435.
    • 15. Ma SY, Je HD, Kim HD (2011). A multimodal treatment approach using spinal decompression via SpineMED, flexion-distraction mobilization of the cervical spine, and cervical stabilization exercises for the treatment of cervical radiculopathy. J Phys Ther Sci 23(1):1-6.
    • 16. Kim HD, Kim TY, Jae HD, Son ST (2011). The Effects of Tai Chi based exercise on dynamic postural control of Parkinson's disease patients while initiating gait. J Phys Ther Sci 23(2): 265-269.
    • 17. Kim HD, Je HD, Jeong JH, Cho KH (2012). Tai Chi and its effects on dynamic postural control in the initiation of gait by older people. J Phys Ther Sci 24(2);175-180.
    • 18. Kim HD, Je HD, Jeong JH, Cho KH, Ma SY (2012) Effects of obstacle crossing on dynamic postural control of Parkinson’s disease patients. J Phys Ther Sci 24(5):395-400.
    • 19. Ma SY, Je HD, Jeong JH, Kim HD (2013). Effects of whole-body cryotherapy in the management of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 94:9-16.
    • 20 Kim SG, Ryu YU, Je HD, Jeong JH, Kim HD (2013) Backward walking treadmill therapy can improve walking ability in children with spastic cerebral palsy: A pilot study. Int J Rehabil Res. 36(3):246-252.
    • 21. Kim HD, Je HD, Jeong JH, Ma SY (2013). Effects of Tai Chi training on obstacle avoidance and gait initiation in older people. J Phys Ther Sci. 25(2):193-198.
    • 22. Cho SY, Ryu YU, Je HD, Jeong JH, Ma SY, Kim HD (2013). Effects of illumination on toe clearance and gait parameters of older adults when stepping over an obstacle: A pilot study. J Phys Ther Sci. 25(3):229-232.
    • 23. Ma SY, Cho KH, Je HD, Jeong JH, Ryu YS, Kim HD (2013). The relationship of range of flexion-extension motion of the cervical spine to thermal asymmetry of the upper body surface in patients with cervical herniated nucleus pulposus. J Phys Ther Sci. 25(4):357-361.
    • 24. Kim HD, Brunt D (2013). Effect of a change in step direction from a forward to a lateral target in response to a sensory perturbation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 23(4):851-857.
    • 25. Kim HD, Je HD, Jeong JH (2014). Tai Chi exercise can improve obstacle negotiation ability in people with Parkinson’s disease: A preliminary study. J Phys Ther Sci. 26(7):1025-1030.
    • 26. Kim CY, Choi JD, Kim HD (2014) No correlation between joint position sense and force sense for measuring ankle proprioception in subjects with healthy and functional ankle instability. Clinical Biomechaniscs, 29(9):977-983.
    • 27. Kim HD, Brunt D, Je HD (2015) The influence of accuracy constraints on EMG and kinetic variables during gait initiation. J Phys Ther Sci.
    • 28. Son NK, Ryu YU, Jeong HW, Jang YH, Kim HD (2015) Comparison of the two different types of exercise approaches, Tai Chi versus Otago, in community-dwelling older women for mobility and strength assessments. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. in press.
    • 29. Kim CY, Lee JS, Kim HD, Kim JS (2015) The effect of progressive task-oriented training on a supplementary tilt table on lower extremity muscle strength and gait recovery in patients with hemiplegic stroke. Gait &Posture. 2015;41(2):425-430.
    • 30. Kim CY. Lee JS, Kim HD, Kim IS (2015) Effects of the Combination of Respiratory Muscle Training and Abdominal Drawing-in Maneuver on Respiratory Muscle Activity in Patients with Post-stroke Hemiplegia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. In press
    • 31. Lower extremity muscle activation and function in progressive task-oriented training on the supplementary tilt table during stepping-like movementsin patients with acute stroke. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2015;25(3):522-530.
    Korean Journals
    • 1. Ryu YU, Kim WD, Kim HD (2006) Gaze effects on spatial and kinematic characteristics in pointing to a remembered target. Phys Thera Korea 13(4):23-29.
    • 2. Kim HD, Yoon BC (2006) The interlimb coordination during movement initiation from a quiet stance: manipulation of swing limb kinetics and kinematics. A preliminary study. Phys Thera Korea 13(4):79-86.
    • 3. Kim HD (2007) Effects of step length change on kinetic characteristics while stepping over an obstacle from a position of quiet stance in young and elderly adults: A preliminary study. Phys Thera Korea 14(4):66-74.
    • 4. Kim HD (2007) Effects of auditory cue on gait initiation in patients with parkinson's disease: A preliminary study. Phys Thera Korea 14(4):44-49.
    • 5. Kim HD (2008) The effect of Tai Chi training on the center of pressure trajectory while crossing an obstacle in healthy elderly subjects. Phys Thera Korea 15 (4):27-33.
    • 6. Kim HD (2009) The Effect of obstacle height on balance control while stepping over an obstacle from a position of quiet stance in older adults. J Korean Soc Phys Thera. 21(3):75-79.
    • 7. Ma SY, Kim HD (2010) Effect of a PNF Training Program on Functional Assessment Measures and Gait Parameters in Healthy Older Adults. J Korean Soc Phys Thera. 22(1):39-45.
    • 8. Kim SK, Ryu YU, Kim HD (2012) The Effects of Insole Supporting Medial Longitudinal Arch while Walking in Spastic Cerebral Palsy with Pes Planus. Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine. 7(4): 471-480.
    • 9. Son NK, Kim HD (2014) Age Effects on Center of Mass during Obstacle Crossing. Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine. 9(1): 91-99.
    • 10. Kang JH, Kim CY, Ohn JM, Kim HD. The Effect of Hinged Ankle-Foot Orthosis on Walking Function in Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Cross-sectional Pilot Study. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2015;27(1):43-49.
    • 11. Kim CY, Kim HD. The Effect of Supplementary Shouting Technique on Muscle Activity to Rectus Abdominis and External Oblique during Crunch Exercise in Healthy Subjects. Journal of Korean Physical Therapy. 2015;27(1):1-6.
  • Research

    Research Topic

  • Teaching

    • Geriatric Physical Therapy
    • Neurorehabilitation
    • Orthopedic Physical Therapy
    • Locomotion
    • Balance
    • Clinical Biomechanics
  • The Biomechanics&Movement Rehabilitation Laboratory

    Organization Chart

    Evaluation & Analysis Equipment
    Evaluation & Analysis equipments in the Lab

    Vicon 3-D Motion Analysis equipment in the Lab

    Delsys EMG & electro-goniometer equipment in the Lab

    Force platform equipment in the Lab