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Prof. Cuz Potter

Tel: 02-3290-2427

E-mail: cuzpotter@korea.ac.kr

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  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Profile

    Cuz Potter (Columbia University, MSUP, MIA, PhD) is currently professor of international development and cooperation at Korea University's Division of International Studies. His current research focuses on the role of the Korean construction industry in the uneven spatial development of developing countries, especially Myanmar and Vietnam. Past research has focused on social justice in developing and implementing infrastructure services, particularly in regard to how technological change in the logistics industry has undermined the territorial foundation of port policy in the US. He has also coauthored work on Nairobi's slums for the World Bank, on US urban revitalization for the Korean government, on urban entrepreneurialism in China, and on industrial districts. He is a co-editor of and contributor to Searching for the Just City, an interrogation of Susan Fainstein's concept of the Just City. He has consulted for a number of firms and organizations in New York City and Seoul. Prior to academia, he spent three years editing and translating for the Korean Ministries of Environment and Labor.

  • Curriculum Vitae

    • 2010                   Ph.D. in Urban Planning, Columbia University
    • 2003                   M.S. in Urban Planning, Columbia University
    • 2003                   M.A. in International Affairs, Columbia University
    • 1996 - 1997       Korean language program, Sogang University
      1989                   B.A. in English Literature, Tufts University
    • 1987 - 1988       Year abroad, University of York
    Professional Experience
    • 2021 - present    Professor, Division of International Studies, Korea University

    • 2016 - 2021        Associate Professor, Division of International Studies, Korea University

      2011 - 2016        Assistant Professor, Division of International Studies, Korea University

    • 2001 - 2004        Independent consultant, Cuz Produces, New York, NY

    • 2003                    Summer Associate, Herrick, Feinstein, LLP, New York, NY

    • 2002 - 2003        Research Fellow, Center for Urban Research and Policy, Columbia University

    • 2002                    Editor and translator, Seoul Development Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea

    • 2001                    Research assistant, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Lamont-Doherty

      Earth Observatory, Columbia University
    • 2000 - 2001        Research assistant, Manhattan Borough President’s Office, NY, NY
      1999                    Intern, United States Embassy, US-Asia Environmental Partnership and Foreign Commercial Service, Seoul, Korea 
    • 1997 - 1999        Editor and translator, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, International Affairs Office

    • 1998 - 1999        Editor and translator, Ministry of Labor, Republic of Korea, International Affairs Office

  • Publication

    1 Books
    1. Searching for the Just City. Routledge, 2009. (Co-edited with Peter Marcuse, James Connolly, Johannes Novy, Ingrid Olivo, and Justin Steil)
    2. Fainstein: Fragmented States and Pragmatic Improvements with Sai Balakrishnan and Susan Fainstein. AESOP
      (2018) (ISBN: 9789082819120).
    2 Journal Articles
    1. Gentrification Or…? Injustice in Large-Scale Residential Projects in Hanoi with Danielle Labbé. Urban Studies
      (2020). DOI: 10.1177/0042098020949035.
    2. ACSP Distinguished Educator, 2004: Susan Fainstein. Journal of Planning Education and Research. (2020). DOI: 10.1177/0739456X209486.
    3. Just Like Korea in the 1970s? Policy Transfer and the Fiction of Familiarity. International Development and Cooperation Review. 11(4): 21–36 (2019). DOI: 10.32580/idcr.2019.11.4.21.
    4. A Rapid Appraisal Toolkit (RAT) for Entering into the Overseas Urban Development Market: With a Case Study of Hanoi, Vietnam with Jinhee Park. Urban Design. 19(6): 93–110 (2018).
    5. Austerity in reverse: Korea, capabilities, and crisis with Jeeyeop Kim. International Planning Studies (2018). DOI: 10.1080/13563475.2018.1516546
    6. Theoretical Review of ‘Community’ Planning: A Critique of the Shaping of New Urbanist Discourse with Jinhee Park. Journal of Korea Planning Association 52(5): 5–25 (2017).
    7. “You have hands, make use of them!” Child labor in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Tanzania with Alexander Lupilya. Journal of International Development. 28(7): 1013—1028 (2016). DOI:10.1002/jid.3245
    8. Housing and Happiness: Subjective Well Being and Residential Environment in Korea with Robert Rudolf. Journal of Korea Planning Association 50(7): 141-155 (2015).  DOI:10.17208/jkpa.2015.
    9. Characteristics of and Lessons from New York City’s Commercial District’ Zoning with Jeeyeop Kim and Hee-Yun Jung. Urban Design 15(6): 141-155 (2014).
    10. Crisis-induced Reform, State-Market Relations, and Entrepreneurial Urban Growth in China with Lei Wang and Zhigang Li. Habitat International 41: 50–57 (2014).
    11. Spatial Distribution of Urban Manufacturing: A Study of Large US Cities with Jeeyeop Kim and Lei Wang. Journal of Korean Planners Association 48(4): 333–347 (2013).
    12. River of Traffic: The Spatial Fragmentation of US Ports. Regional Studies (2013).
    13. Urban regeneration and gentrification: Land use impacts of the Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project on Seoul’s central business district with Heeji Lim, Jeeyeop Kim, and Woongkyoo Bae. Habitat International 39: 192–200 (2013).
    14. Just Cities in a Just Society: Maeulmandeulgi for social transformation or social reform? (Seoul Urban Research) (June 2013).
    15. Demanding Our Right to the City. Progressive Planning 185 (2010).
    16. Regional economies, open networks and the spatial fragmentation of production with Josh Whitford. Socio-Economic Review 5(3): 497-526 (2007).
    17. A Tale of Three Northern Manhattan Communities: Case Studies of Political Empowerment in the Planning and Development Process with Richard Bass. In Fordham Urban Law Journal, 31(2): 285–304 (2004).
    3 Reports
    1. Inside Informality: Poverty, Jobs, Housing and Services in Nairobi’s Slums. Report No. 36347-KE, Africa Urban and Water Unit 1, The World Bank, Washington DC. 31 May 2006 (with Sumila Gulyani and Debabrata Talukdar)
    4 Book Chapters
    1. Just city on the horizon: summing up, moving forward. In Searching for the Just City. Routledge, 2009. (with Johannes Novy)
    2. The right to the Just City. In Searching for the Just City. Routledge, 2009. (with David Harvey)
    3. The Heights: An Ivory Tower and Its Community. In The University as Urban Developer: Case Studies and Analysis, edited by David C. Perry and Wim Wiewel. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2005. (with Peter Marcuse)
    5 Book reviews
    1. Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City. Urban Studies 50 (14): 3056–3060 (2013).
    2. John Forester, Dealing with Differences. Critical Policy Studies, 5 (1): 90–97 (2011).
  • Research

    • 2015 - 2018      National Research Foundation of Korea New Professor Research Grant. This project investigated the Korean construction industry’s collaboration with the government to export Korean-style large residential districts, particularly to Southeast Asia, and how those designs have been received.
    • 2015-present    Korea Foundation eSchool: Teach annual course that is interactively streamed to Fudan University and Nanjing University in China. ()
    • 2014                   Form-Based Codes in Denver, Colorado, Researcher: Evaluated origins of Denver’s form-based zoning code reform for the Urban Design Institute of Korea ()
    • 2013 - present   Education Program on Urban Regeneration for Sustainable Development, Faculty: Prepared successful grant proposal with eight member team to found a new degree granting progam under the Korean National Research Foundation’s Brain Knowledge 21 Plus fund. Total funding approximately $2m over seven years.
    • 2013                   Industrial Retention in New York City, Researcher: Examined and summarized New York City’s industrial retention experience and policy for the Seoul Institute.
  • Teaching


    Global Poverty, Economic Geography of Developing Countries (Urbanization and Industrialization in East Asia), Benchmark Utopia, Introduction to International Development, Globalization and Beyond


    Planning for Uncertainty and Risk, Development Alternatives, The Plight of the Poor, Citizen Participation, Urban Development, Introduction to Development and Cooperation, Mainstreaming Risk in Development