• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 김승섭

Tel:  02-3290-5676

E-mail: ssk3@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Writing
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    연세대학교 의과대학을 졸업하고, 서울대학교 보건대학원에서 석사학위를, 하버드대학교 보건대학원에서 박사학위를 받았다. 조지워싱턴대학교 보건대학원에서 강사로 일했으며, 2013년부터 현재까지 고려대학교 보건과학대학 보건정책관리학부와 동 대학원 보건과학과에서 부교수로 일하고 있다. 2016년과 2017년, 2년 연속으로 고려대학교 최우수 강의상인 석탑강의상을, 2018년에는 최우수 연구상인 석탑연구상을 수상했다.

    천안소년교도소에서 공중보건의사로 일한 이후, 재소자 인권에 대한 관심을 이어가다 국가인권위원회의 ‘구금시설 건강권 실태조사’에 참여하기도 했다. 사회역학자로서, 차별경험과 고용불안 같은 사회적 요인이 결혼이주여성이나 비정규직 노동자, 성소수자와 같은 사회적 약자의 건강을 어떻게 해치는지를 주로 연구하고 있다. 2014년 ‘인턴/레지던트 근무환경 연구’, 2015년 ‘쌍용자동차 해고노동자 건강 연구’, 국가인권위원회의 ‘소방공무원의 인권상황 실태조사’, 2016년 ‘한국 성인 동성애자/양성애자 건강 연구’, 세월호 특조위의 ‘단원고 학생 생존자 및 가족 대상 실태조사 연구’, 2017년 ‘한국 트랜스젠더 건강 연구’를 책임연구원으로 진행했다. 한국 성소수자의 건강을 연구하는 ‘레인보우 커넥션 프로젝트’의 책임연구원으로 연구를 진행 중이다. 삼성반도체 직업병 소송, 동성결혼 소송, 트랜스젠더 병역면제 소송, 군형법 위헌 소송에서 법정 증언을 하거나 전문가 소견서를 제출하며 참여한 바 있다.

    환자를 치료하는 것만큼 사람들이 아프지 않도록 예방하는 게 중요하다고 생각하고, 열심히 살아가는 보통 사람들이 자기 삶에 긍지를 갖지 못한다면 그것은 사회의 책임이라고 생각한다. <아픔이 길이 되려면>과 <오롯한 당신, 트랜스젠더, 차별과 건강> (공저)을 출판했다. 

  • Curriculum Vitae


    하버드 보건대학원, 직업역학 박사 (2011)

    서울대 보건대학원, 직업보건 석사 (2008)

    연세대학교 의과대학, 의학사 (2005)

  • Publication


    (*Corresponding author.)


    Lee H, Park J, Choi B, Yi H, Kim S-S*. Experiences of and Barriers to Transition-related Healthcare Utilization among Transgender Adults in South Korea: Focused on Gender Identity Disorder Diagnosis, Hormone Therapy, and Sex Reassignment Surgery Epidemiology and health. (In Press)


    Lee N, Kim JY, Kim J.-H, Kim S-S Association between workplace discrimination and depressive symptoms among firefighters in South Korea Am J Ind Med (In Press)


    Kim Y, Kim S-S*. Job insecurity and depression among automobile sales workers: A longitudinal study in South Korea. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2018;61(2):140-7.


    Yi H, Lee H, Park J, Choi B, Kim S-S*. Health disparities between lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults and the general population in South Korea: Rainbow Connection Project I. Epidemiology and health. 2017;39(0):e2017046-0.


    Lee HM, Son IS, Yoon J, Kim S-S*. Lookism hurts: appearance discrimination and self-rated health in South Korea. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2017;16(1):204.


    Yoon S, Kim JY, Park J, Kim S-S. Loss of permanent employment and its association with suicidal ideation: A nationally representative longitudinal cohort study in South Korea. Scand J Work Environ Health 2017 Sep 1;43(5):457-464


    Hurtado DA, Kim S-S*, Subramanian S V, Dennerlein JT, Christiani DC, Hashimoto DC, Sorensen G. Workers’ but not managers’ safety management perceptions were linked with job satisfaction: a multilevel study among patient-care workers. Journal of Nursing Management 2017 Oct;25(7):491-497


    Kim JY, Yoon JH, Kim M-H, Kim S-S*. Association between interpersonal trust, reciprocity, and suicidal behaviors: a nationally-representative longitudinal cohort study in South Korea. Preventive Medicine 2017. 99:218-221.


    Lee N, Sung H, Kim J.-H, Punnett L, Kim S-S*. Perceived discrimination and low back pain among 28,532 workers in South Korea: Effect modification by labor union status. Social Science & Medicine 2017:177:198-204


    Lee H, Kim S-S, Anti-LGBT movement in South Korea and the professionals on their side. Psychology of Sexualities Review. 2016;7(2), 83-84


    Lander L, Sorock GS., Smith LM, Stentz TL, Kim S-S, Mittleman MA, Perry MJ. Is depression a risk factor for meatpacking injuries? Work 53(2), 307-311


    Park G, Son I, Kim S-S*, Perceived Ethnic Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms among Biethnic Adolescents in South Korea J Prev Med Public Health 2016;49: 301-307


    Kim Y, Son I, Wie D, Muntaner C, Kim H, Kim S-S*. Don’t ask for fair treatment? A gender analysis of ethnic discrimination, response to discrimination, and self-rated health among marriage migrants in South Korea. International Journal for Equity in Health 2016 Jul 19;15(1):112.


    Kim JY, Lee J, Muntaner C, Kim S-S*. Who is working while sick? Nonstandard employment and its association with absenteeism and presenteeism in South Korea. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2016; 89(7): 1095-1101


    Graham JP. Hirai M. Kim S-S*. An Analysis of Water Collection Labor among Women and Children in 24 Sub-Saharan African Countries. PLoS ONE, 2016. 11(6): p. e0155981.


    Kim J-H, Kim JY, Kim S-S*. School Violence, Depressive Symptoms, and Help-seeking Behavior: A Gender-stratified Analysis of Biethnic Adolescents in South Korea. J Prev Med Public Health 2016;49(1): 61-68


    Chang HY, Chung YS, KM. Keyes, Jung SJ, Kim S-S*. Associations between the timing of childhood adversity and adulthood suicidal behavior: A nationally-representative cohort. Journal of Affective Disorder 2015;186: 198-202


    Cho Y, Chung HK, Kim S-S, Shin MJ*. Dietary patterns and pulmonary function in Korean women: findings from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2011. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2014; 74: 177-183


    Dutra LM*, Kim S-S, Williams DW, Kawachi I, Okechukwu CA. Worksite safety climate, smoking, and the use of protective equipment by blue collar building workers enrolled in the MassBUILT smoking cessation trial. JOEM 2014; 56(10): 1082-1087


    Kim S-S*, Dutra LM, Okechukwu CA. Contractor-, steward-, and coworker-safety safety practice: Associations with musculoskeletal pain and injury-related absence among construction apprentices. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2014; 87(5): 493-500


    Kim S-S*, Okechukwu CA, Dennerlein JT, Boden LI, Hopcia K, Hashimoto DM, Sorensen G. Association between perceived inadequate staffing and musculoskeletal pain among hospital patient care workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2014; 87(3): 323-330


    Sabbath EL, Hurtado DA*, Okechukwu CA, Tamers SL, Nelson C, Kim S-S, Wagner G, Sorensen G. Occupational injury among hospital patient-care workers: What is the association with workplace verbal abuse?. Am J Ind Med. 2014; 57(2): 222–232


    Min J-Y, Park S-G, Kim S-S, Min K-B.* Workplace injustice and self-reported disease and absenteeism in South Korea. Am J Ind Med. 2014; 57(1): 87-96


    Kim S-S, Choi J, Park K, Chung Y, Park S, Heo J*. Association between district-level safety and self-rated health: a multilevel study in Seoul, South Korea. BMJ Open 2014; 4:e004695 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004695


    Kim S-S*, Muntaner C, H Kim, Jeon CY, Perry MJ. Gain of employment and depressive symptoms among previously unemployed workers: A longitudinal cohort study in South Korea. Am J Ind Med. 2013; 56(10): 1245-1250


    Kim S-S*, Jang H, Chang H, Park Y, Lee D-W. Association between childhood adversities and adulthood depressive symptoms in South Korea: results from a nationally representative longitudinal survey. BMJ Open 2013; 3:e002680. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002680


    Kim H, Jayaraman S, Landsbergis P, Markowitz S, Kim S-S, Dropkin J.* Perceived discrimination from management and musculoskeletal symptoms among New York City restaurant workers. IJOEH. 2013. 19(3):196-206


    Galen ID, Kim S-S, Graham JP.* Exploring changes in open defecation prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa based on national level indices. BMC Public Health, 2013. 13(1): p.527.


    Kim S-S*, Okechukwu CA, Buxton OM, Dennerlein JT, Boden LI, Hashimoto DM, Sorensen G. Association between work-family conflict and musculoskeletal pain among hospital patient care workers. Am J Ind Med. 2013; 56 (4):488-495


    Kim S-S*, Perry MJ, Okechukwu CA. Association between perceived union connection and upper body musculoskeletal pains among unionized construction apprentices. Am J Ind Med. 2013; 56 (2):189-196


    Kim S-S*, Subramanian SV, Sorensen G, Perry MJ, Christiani DC. Association between change in employment status and new-onset depressive symptoms in South Korea: a gender analysis. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2012; 38(6): 537-545.


    Kim S-S*, Chung Y, Subramanian SV, Williams DR. Measuring discrimination in South Korea: Are we underestimating the prevalence of discriminatory experiences among female and less educated workers? PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(3): e32872. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032872.


    Kim S-S*, Chung Y, Perry MJ, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV. Association between interpersonal trust, reciprocity, and depression in South Korea: a prospective analysis. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(1):e30602. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030602.


    Kim S-S*, Williams DR. Perceived discrimination and self-rated health in South Korea: a nationally representative survey. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(1):e30501.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030501. 



    박주영, 윤재홍, 박주영 <해고자와 복직자의 건강 비교: 쌍용자동차 정리해고 사례를 중심으로> (보건과 사회과학, 2016)



    <아픔이 길이 되려면> (김승섭, 동아시아, 2017)

    <오롯한 당신, 트랜스젠더 차별과 건강> (김승섭, 박주영, 이호림, 이혜민, 최보경, 숨쉬는책공장, 2018)

  • Research

    사회역학, 직업역학, 소수자 건강, 불안정 노동과 건강

  • Writing

    내용을 입력해주세요

  • Lab Members


    : 박주영, 성효주, 이혜민, 김지환, 이호림, 윤재홍, 최보경



    : 유정훈



    : 김란영, 서예윤, 주승섭,