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고려대학교 교수소개

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E-mail: jchoeatkoreadotacdotkr

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    최재웅은 고려대학교 문과대학 교수로, 1987년에 미국 매사츄세츠 주립 대학교 (앰허스트) 에서 언어학 박사 학위를 취득하였고, 1991년 이래로 고려대학교 언어학과에서 연구와 강의를 담당하였습니다. 2019년도 2월 말일 부로 정년퇴임하여 현재는 명예교수로 재직 중입니다.


    최재웅의 주요 연구 분야는 이론언어학으로 의미-화용론에 특히 관심이 많으며 대체로 형식문법적인 입장을 취하는 편입니다. 비교적 최근에는 언어의 전산적 구현과 언어학적 논의를 위한 언어자원 활용 등에 관심을 두고 있습니다. 

    Fulbright Senior Research Fellow(2004.9-2005.2)로 선정되어 MIT에서, 그리고 JSPS(일본학술진흥회)의 초청학자(2015.4-7)로 선정되어 Waseda대학에서 연구활동을 수행하였고, Griffth대학(1997, 2004), Erlangen대학(2003), APU(2008), Waseda대학(2011)에서 방문학자로 활동하였습니다.

    주로 참여하는 학회로는 한국언어정보학회(회장, 1999.3-2001.02), 한국언어학회(학회지 [언어] 편집위원장, 2000.8-2003.07) 등이 있습니다.  2005년부터 2012년까지는 Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation 의 Steering Committee 멤버로도 활동하였고, 국제표준화기구(ISO) 산하 언어자원 표준안 중 '담화행위(Dialogue Acts)' 표준안 제정 위원으로 활동하였습니다.


    연 락 처

    전자우편:mailto: jchoeatkoreadotacdotkr


    Jae-Woong Choe is a Professor of Linguistics at Korea University in Seoul, Korea. He received his Ph. D. in Linguistics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1987. He has been teaching in the Department of Linguistics, Korea University since 1991, and prior to that at Soong-Sil University for three and a half years.  He has retired in February, 2019, and now is a professor emeritus.


    His research focuses on Theoretical Linguistics, in particular, on formal semantics and pragmatics, and the use of computational and statistical methodology in linguistics.  He has published works on distributivity and quantification, wh-phenomena, delimiters, topic and focus, speech acts, implicature and inference, and discourse structure.  He also published works on how to make use of the various language resources including corpora. 

    His academic activities include his membership in the Korean Society for Language and Information (President, 1999.3-2001.2), the Linguistic Society of Korea (Editor-in-Chief of Korean Journal of Linguistics, 2000.8-2003.7), and several others.  He served as a member in the PACLIC Steering Committee for the period of 2005-2012.


    More on his research can be found at the following links: Publication (Google Scholar), and the 'Curriculum Vitae' and 'Publication' tabs in the above.


    Contact Information

    E-mail:  jchoeatkoreadotacdotkr


  • Curriculum Vitae

    title  Professor of Linguistics

    email   jchoeATkoreaDOTacDOTkr

    home page  http://faculty.korea.ac.kr/jchoe



    1987   Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

               Dissertation title: Anti-quantifiers and a Theory of Distributivity

    1979   MA in English Linguistics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

    1976   BA in English Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea



    2019-present  Professor Emeritus

    1997-2019    Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Korea University, Korea

    1991-1997       Assistant and Associate (from '92) Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Korea University, Korea

    1987-1991       Assistant Professor of English Linguistics, Department of English, Soong-Sil University, Korea



    2014-2017      Director, Center for Digital Humanities, Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University

    2007-2008       Director, Research Institute for Language and Information, Korea University

    2001-2002       Dean of Academic Affairs, Korea University



    2015   JSPS Fellow (concurrently Visiting Scholar at Waseda, 4 months)

    2011   Visiting Scholar at Waseda (6 months)

    2008   Visiting Scholar at APU (1 month)

    2004   Fulbright Scholarship (Senior Researcher, Visiting Scholar at MIT (6 months)

    2004   Visiting Scholar at Erlangen University (3 months), and at Griffith University (2 months)

    1997   Visiting Scholar at Griffith University (12 months)

    1982-1986       Fulbright Scholarships (Ph.D. program)



    Linguistic Society of Korea, Korean Society for Language and Information,

    Korean Society for Cognitive Science, Korean Language Society, and others



    2005-2012       Standing Member, Steering Committee, PACLIC(Pacific-Asia Conference on Language and Information)

    2000-2003       Editor-in-Chief, Korean Journal of Linguistics, Linguistic Society of Korea

    1999-2001       President, Korean Society for Language and Information

    1990-1992       Chair, Program Subcommittee, 1992 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL-1992)


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