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고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 신은경

Tel: 02-3290-2089

E-mail: eunshin@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    고려대학교 사회학과 조교수


    Eun Kyong SHIN is an assistant professor in the department of sociology at Korea University.  As a social scientist with a PhD in Sociology (2015, Columbia University), and who additionally trained as a postdoc at Columbia Law School and the UT Medical School, her investigations weave through multiple disciplines.  Bringing unconventional data sources to various sociological investigations, the overarching goal is to gain better understanding of how relational networks and social conditions influence social behaviors, health outcomes and human development. Methodologically, she uses multiple analytical tools, including social network analysis, statistics, GIS, and machine learning. She offers Social Network Analysis course (Fall) and Data Science course (Spring) at KU. 

  • Curriculum Vitae


    PhD. Columbia University, USA 2007-2015

    MA. Korea University, South Korea, 2005-2007
    BA. Korea University, South Korea, 2001-2004
    Professional Experiences

    2020 Founding Committee Member, Institute for information and data convergence, College of Medicine Korea University

    2020 Steering Committee Member, Data Science Institute Korea University

    2020 Organizing Committee Member, SASE

    2020 Program Committee Member, SBP-BRiMS

    2020 DC, USA 2017 Scientific Program Committee

    2017-2021 AAAi Workshop on Health Intelligence USA

    2017-2018 Data Committee, Memphis Blight Elimination Steering Team TN, USA

    2005-2006 Editorial Assistant, Korean Journal of Sociology Seoul, Korea

    2004 Foreign Affairs Committee Internship, House of Representative DC, USA


  • Publication


    1. Oguz Akbilgic, Shin EK, Arash Shaban-Nejad.“A Data Science Approach to Analyze the Association of Socioeconomic and Environmental Conditions with Disparities in Pediatric Surgery,” Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2021.

    2. Lee, B., Jeong, H., Shin EK.“On-line (TweetNet) and Off-line (EpiNet): The Distinctive Structures of the Infectious,” Explainable AI in Healthcare and Medicine. Springer, Cham, 2020, 187-194.

    3. Shin EK, Jong Hun Lee. “Evidence-based Health Intelligence with Globally Localized Epidemic Knowledge Base: Merging Pathological Data, Socio-environmental Data and Intervention Knowledge Data,” Studies in MAY 3, 2021 EUN KYONG SHIN · CV 1 Health Technology and Informatics, 2020, 272:17-20.

    4. Shin EK, Kwon Y, Shaban-Nejad A, “Geo-Clustered Chronic Affinity: Pathways from Socio-economic Disadvantages to Health Disparities,” JAMIA Open, 2019, ooz029.

    5. Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad A, “Applied Network Science for Relational Chronic Disease Surveillance,” Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, 262: 336-339.

    6. Brenas JH, Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad A, “A Hybrid Recommender System to Guide Assessment and Surveillance of Adverse Childhood Experiences,” Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, 262:332-335.

    7. Brenas JH, Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad A, “Adverse Childhood Experiences Ontology for Mental Health Surveillance, Research, and Evaluation: Advanced Knowledge Representation and Semantic Web Techniques,” JMIR Ment Health, 2019;6(5):e13498. Honorable Mention in Best paper selection for the IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2020

    8. Shin EK, LeWinn K, Bush N, Tylavsky F, Davis R, Shaban-Nejad A, “Association of Maternal Social Relationships with Cognitive Development in Early Childhood,” JAMA Network, 2019, 2(1). 1-9.

    9. Brenas JH, Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad A, “An Ontological Framework to Improve Surveillance of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs),” Studies in health technology and informatics, 2019, 258:31-5.

    10. Shin EK, Mahajan R, Akbilgic O, Shaban-Nejad A,“Sociomarkers and Biomarkers: Predictive Modeling in Identifying Pediatric Asthma Patients at Risk of Hospital Revisiting,” Nature Digital Medicine, 2018, 1(50). 1-5.

    11. Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad, A, “Urban Decay and Pediatric Asthma Prevalence in Memphis, Tennessee: Urban Data Integration for Efficient Population Health Surveillance,” IEEE Access, 2018, 6:46281-46289.

    12. Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad A, “Geo-distinctive Comorbidity Networks of Pediatric Asthma,” Studies in health technology and informatics, 2018, 247:436-440.

    13. Mahajan R, Shin EK, Shaban-Nejad A, Langham M, Martin M, Davis R, Akbilgic O, “Disparities in PopulationLevel Socio-economic Factors are Associated with Disparities in Preoperative Clinical Risk Factors in Children,” Studies in health technology and informatics, 2018, 255:80-84.

    14. Shaban-Nejad A, Okhmatovskaia A, Shin EK, Davis RL, Franklin BE, Buckeridge DL. “A Semantic Framework for Logical Cross-Validation, Evaluation and Impact Analyses of Population Health Interventions,” Studies in health technology and informatics, 2017, 235:481-485.



  • Research

    Research Topic

    - 종군 위안부 생애 구술사를 통한 네트워크 분석 (Network disruption effects on Korean comport women’s social networks )
    - Sociomarkers & Neural Network
    - COVID-19  인포데믹 연구

    2021 수강 네트워크의 다양성 해부학 Diversity & Performance based AI Curriculum Network Recommendation System (PI), KU
    2021 인문학적 상상력과 인공지능의 만남Humanistic Imagination Meets AI for Reflective Data Science (PI), Korea University South Korea
    ​2020 통증인지의 사회적 요인에 관한 분석 Social Determinants of Pain among Breast Cancer Patients (PI), Korea University South Korea
    2019 통합전염학융합연구  Integrated Contagion Studies (Co-Investigator), National Research Foundation of Korea South Korea
    2019 저항의 형태학: 독립운동가 네트워크 분석 1895-1945 
    Research Grant for Morphology of Resistance (PI), Korea University South Korea
    ​2018 건강의 사회적 요인분석  (Co-Investigator) Social Component of Health, Children’s Foundation in Memphis, TN, USA

  • Lab Members

    1. 윤병연 (사회학과, 석사과정)
    2. 배진태 (사회학과, 석사과정)