• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Prof. 정현강

Tel: 02-2626-3164

E-mail: jeonghg@korea.ac.kr

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Lab Members
  • Profile

    고려대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실 교수

    진료: 고려대학교 구로병원 정신건강의학과

    진료분야: 치매 및 신경인지장애, 기분장애


    Hyun-Ghang, Jeong, MD., Ph.D.

    Professor of Department of Psychiatry. Korea University College of Medicine

    Location: Korea University Guro Hospital

    Clinical interest: Dementias, Neurocognitive disorders, Affective disorders

  • Curriculum Vitae


    1996.03.-2002.02. 고려대학교 의학과/학사

    2003.09.-2006.02 고려대학교 대학원/석사

    2006.03-2011.08 고려대학교 대학원/박사




    2002.03-2003.02 고려대학교 의료원 수련의

    2003.03.-2007.02 고려대학교 의료원 전공의

    2010.05-2011.02 서울대학교 분당서울대병원 노인정신의학 전임의

    2011.03-2012.02 고려대학교 구로병원 임상강사

    2012.03-2015.02 고려대학교 구로병원 임상조교수

    2015.03-2016.02 고려대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실 조교수

    2016.03-2021.02 고려대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실 부교수

    2020.03 -2021.12 Massachusetts General Hospital 연수, 방문연구원

    2021.03 - 고려대학교 의과대학 정신건강의학교실 교수




    2012 ~ 2014 대한노인정신의학회 총무간사

    2013년 국제노인정신의학회 학술대회 조직위원

    2014~2016 한국정신신체학회 학술간사

    2014~2016 한국정신약물학회 학술간사

    2015~2016 대한신경정신의학회 보험위원회 간사

    2017~2018 대한노인정신의학회 교육이사

    2017~2018 대학 노인학술연합회 교육이사

    2017~2019인지중재치료학회 정보이사

    2022~ 현재 인지중재치료학회 국제이사


    현) 대한신경정신의학회 정회원

    현) 대한노인정신의학회 평생회원

    현) 대한우울조울병학회 평생회원

    현) 대한정신신체학회 평생회원

    현) 대한정신약물학회 평생회원

    현) 생물치료정신의학회 평생회원

    현) 대한정서인지행동의학회 평생회원

    • 2007.03.~2010.04. 서울지방병무청 징병전담의사
    • 2017.03.~2017.02. 구로구치매지원센터 자문의사
    • 2015.03.~2019.12. 국립중앙치매센터 전문위원
    • 2015.03.~2020.02. 근로복지공단 상시자문의사

    · Mar 1996 ~ Feb 2002, M.D., Medicine, Korea University, College of Medicine

    · Sep 2003 ~ Feb 2006, M.Sc., Biological Psychiatry(Thesis advisor: Sook Haeng Joe), Korea University, Graduate School

    · Mar 2006 ~ Aug 2011, Ph.D., Biological Psychiatry(Thesis advisor: Sook Haeng Joe), Korea University, Graduate School


    Postdoctoral Training

    · Mar 2002 ~ Feb 2003, Medical internship, Korea University Medical Center

    · Mar 2003 ~ Feb 2007, Residency, Department of Psychiatry, Korea University Medical Center

    · May 2010 ~ Feb 2011, Fellow, Geriatric Psychiatry(PI: Ki Woong Kim), Seoul National University Bundang Hospital


    Faculty Academic Appointments

    · Mar 2015 ~ Feb 2016, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine

    · Mar 2015 ~ Feb 2016, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences, Korea University Graduate School

    · Mar 2016 ~ Present, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine

    · Mar 2016 ~ Present, Associate Professor, Biomedical Sciences, Korea University Graduate School


    Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions

    Mar 2011 ~ Feb 2012, Clinical instructor, Geriatric Psychiatry,Korea University Guro Hospital

    Mar 2012~ Feb 2015 Clinical Assistant Professor Geriatric Psychiatry(Dementia Clinic) Korea University Guro Hospital

    Mar 2015 ~ Feb 2016 Assistant Professor Geriatric Psychiatry(Dementia Clinic) Korea University Guro Hospital

    Mar 2016 ~ Present Associate Professor Geriatric Psychiatry(Dementia Clinic) Korea University Guro Hospital

    Major Administrative Leadership Positions

    · Regional

    Mar 2011 ~ Feb 2017 Advisory Doctor Guro Center for Dementia

    · National

    Mar 2007 ~ Apr 2010 Medical Examination Doctor Military Manpower Administration

    Mar 2015 ~ Dec 2019 Advisory Board National Institute of Dementia

    Mar 2015 ~ Feb 2020 Advisory Board Korea Worker’s Compensation and Welfare Service


    Committee Service

    · International

    2013 Organizing Committee the 13th International Congress of the International Psychogeriatric Association

    Professional Societies

    Jan 2017 ~ Dec 2018 Director of Educational Affairs the Korean Geriatric Psychiatry Association

    Jan 2017 ~ Dec 2018 Director of Educational Affairs the Korean Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics

  • Publication

    국제전문학술제 게재현황 SCI(E) (1-57)

    1. Lee J, Lim JE, Cho SH, Won E, Jeong HG, Lee MS, et al. Association between work-family conflict and depressive symptoms in female workers: An exploration of potential moderators. J Psychiatr Res. 2022;151:113-21.

    2. Kim S, Won E, Jeong HG, Lee MS, Ko YH, Paik JW, et al. Gender discrimination in workplace and depressive symptoms in female employees in South Korea. J Affect Disord. 2022;306:269-75.

    3. Youn H, Lee SY, Jung HY, Kim SG, Kim SH, Jeong HG. Preferences for life-sustaining treatment in Korean adults: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2021;11(1):e039470.

    4. Youn H, Hyung WSW, Kim J, Lee ES, Eo JS, Han CE, et al. Brain amyloid accumulation possibly exacerbates concurrent mild cognitive impairment with subthreshold depression in older adults: A 1-year follow-up study. J Affect Disord. 2021;295:93-100.

    5. Youn H, Choi M, Lee S, Kim D, Suh S, Han CE, et al. Decreased Cortical Thickness and Local Gyrification in Individuals with Subjective Cognitive Impairment. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2021;19(4):640-52.

    6. Suh SW, Kim YJ, Kwak KP, Kim K, Kim MD, Kim BS, et al. A 9-Year Comparison of Dementia Prevalence in Korea: Results of NaSDEK 2008 and 2017. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021;81(2):821-31.

    7. Shin C, Pae CU, Kwak KP, Jeon SW, Jeong HG, Kim JW, et al. Additional Reduction of Residual Symptoms with Aripiprazole Augmentation in the Patients with Partially Remitted Major Depressive Disorder. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2021;19(2):243-53.

    8. Lee YS, Youn H, Jeong HG, Lee TJ, Han JW, Park JH, et al. Cost-effectiveness of using amyloid positron emission tomography in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Cost Eff Resour Alloc. 2021;19(1):50.

    9. Lee S, Kim D, Youn H, Hyung WSW, Suh S, Kaiser M, et al. Brain network analysis reveals that amyloidopathy affects comorbid cognitive dysfunction in older adults with depression. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):4299.

    10. Lee ES, Youn H, Hyung WSW, Suh S, Han CE, Eo JS, et al. The effects of cerebral amyloidopathy on regional glucose metabolism in older adults with depression and mild cognitive impairment while performing memory tasks. Eur J Neurosci. 2021;54(7):6663-72.

    11. Hyung WSW, Kang J, Kim J, Lee S, Youn H, Ham BJ, et al. Cerebral amyloid accumulation is associated with distinct structural and functional alterations in the brain of depressed elders with mild cognitive impairment. J Affect Disord. 2021;281:459-66.

    12. Choi JY, Kim JB, Lee S, Lee SJ, Shin SE, Park SH, et al. A Smartphone App (AnSim) With Various Types and Forms of Messages Using the Transtheoretical Model for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Med Inform. 2021;9(12):e23285.

    13. Choi E, Choi KW, Jeong HG, Lee MS, Ko YH, Han C, et al. Long working hours and depressive symptoms: moderation by gender, income, and job status. J Affect Disord. 2021;286:99-107.

    14. Cho SH, Lim JE, Lee J, Lee JS, Jeong HG, Lee MS, et al. Association between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels and depression: Moderation by age, sex, obesity, and aerobic physical activity. J Affect Disord. 2021;291:375-83.

    15. Yang HJ, Kang NR, Jung YE, Kim MD, Jeong HG, Lee TJ, et al. "Choosing Wisely": Apolipoprotein E Genetic Testing for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease in Dementia Clinics. J Alzheimers Dis. 2020;74(4):1253-60.

    16. Lee D, Kim BJ, Han JW, Kim TH, Kwak KP, Kim K, et al. Low Diastolic Blood Pressure and Cognitive Decline in Korean Elderly People: The Korean Longitudinal Study on Cognitive Aging and Dementia. Psychiatry Investig. 2020;17(1):21-8.

    17. Kim JS, Bae JB, Han K, Hong JW, Han JH, Kim TH, et al. Driving-Related Adverse Events in the Elderly Men: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study. Psychiatry Investig. 2020;17(8):744-50.

    18. An H, Han JW, Jeong HG, Kim TH, Lee JJ, Lee SB, et al. Parasympathetic predominance is a risk factor for future depression: A prospective cohort study. J Affect Disord. 2020;260:232-7.

    19. Youn H, Lee S, Han C, Kim SH, Jeong HG. Association between brain amyloid accumulation and neuropsychological characteristics in elders with depression and mild cognitive impairment. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2019;34(12):1907-15.

    20. Shin C, Park MH, Lee SH, Ko YH, Kim YK, Han KM, et al. Usefulness of the 15-item geriatric depression scale (GDS-15) for classifying minor and major depressive disorders among community-dwelling elders. J Affect Disord. 2019;259:370-5.

    21. Lee Y, Lee MS, Jeong HG, Youn HC, Kim SH. Medication Adherence Using Electronic Monitoring in Severe Psychiatric Illness: 4 and 24 Weeks after Discharge. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2019;17(2):288-96.

    22. Kim D, Lee S, Choi M, Youn H, Suh S, Jeong HG, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging reveals abnormal brain networks in elderly subjects with subjective cognitive deficits. Neurol Sci. 2019;40(11):2333-42.

    23. Jang S, Han JW, Shin J, Kim TH, Kwak KP, Kim K, et al. Normal-But-Low Serum Folate Levels and the Risks for Cognitive Impairment. Psychiatry Investig. 2019;16(7):532-8.

    24. Choi M, Youn H, Kim D, Lee S, Suh S, Seong JK, et al. Comparison of neurodegenerative types using different brain MRI analysis metrics in older adults with normal cognition, mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's dementia. PLoS One. 2019;14(8):e0220739.

    25. Youn H, Lee ES, Lee S, Suh S, Jeong HG, Eo JS. Regional glucose metabolism due to the presence of cerebral amyloidopathy in older adults with depression and mild cognitive impairment. J Affect Disord. 2018;239:30-6.

    26. Park JH, Lee SB, Lee JJ, Yoon JC, Han JW, Kim TH, et al. Depression Plays a Moderating Role in the Cognitive Decline Associated With Changes of Brain White Matter Hyperintensities. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018;79(5).

    27. Oh DJ, Han JW, Min BJ, Jeong HG, Kim TH, Choi SH, et al. Association of Up-Regulated Plasma Adiponectin With Risk of Incident Depression in a Community-Dwelling Elderly Population. J Clin Psychiatry. 2018;79(3).

    28. Lho SK, Kim TH, Kwak KP, Kim K, Kim BJ, Kim SG, et al. Effects of lifetime cumulative ginseng intake on cognitive function in late life. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2018;10(1):50.

    29. Han JW, Kim TH, Kwak KP, Kim K, Kim BJ, Kim SG, et al. Overview of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Cognitive Aging and Dementia. Psychiatry Investig. 2018;15(8):767-74.

    30. Byun S, Han JW, Kim TH, Kim K, Kim TH, Park JY, et al. Gait Variability Can Predict the Risk of Cognitive Decline in Cognitively Normal Older People. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2018;45(5-6):251-61.

    31. Youn H, Lee S, Han SW, Kim LY, Lee TS, Oh MJ, et al. Obstetric risk factors for depression during the postpartum period in South Korea: a nationwide study. J Psychosom Res. 2017;102:15-20.

    32. Uh D, Jeong HG, Choi KY, Oh SY, Lee S, Kim SH, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate Level Varies Nonlinearly with Symptom Severity in Major Depressive Disorder. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2017;15(2):163-9.

    33. Shim G, Choi KY, Kim D, Suh SI, Lee S, Jeong HG, et al. Predicting neurocognitive function with hippocampal volumes and DTI metrics in patients with Alzheimer's dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Brain Behav. 2017;7(9):e00766.

    34. Kim K, Han JW, So Y, Seo J, Kim YJ, Park JH, et al. Cognitive Stimulation as a Therapeutic Modality for Dementia: A Meta-Analysis. Psychiatry Investig. 2017;14(5):626-39.

    35. Chi SH, Jeong HG, Lee S, Oh SY, Kim SH. Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Seizure Threshold during Electroconvulsive Therapy. Psychiatry Investig. 2017;14(5):647-55.

    36. Kang WS, Park JK, Kim YJ, Cho AR, Park HJ, Kim SK, et al. Association of tripartite motif family-like 2 (TRIML2) polymorphisms with late-onset Alzheimer's disease risk in a Korean population. Neurosci Lett. 2016;630:127-31.

    37. Jeon SW, Han C, Lee J, Lim J, Jeong HG, Park MH, et al. Perspectives on the Happiness of Community-Dwelling Elderly in Korea. Psychiatry Investig. 2016;13(1):50-7.

    38. Dong HS, Han C, Jeon SW, Yoon S, Jeong HG, Huh YJ, et al. Characteristics of neurocognitive functions in mild cognitive impairment with depression. Int Psychogeriatr. 2016;28(7):1181-90.

    39. Park JH, Lee SB, Lee JJ, Yoon JC, Han JW, Kim TH, et al. Epidemiology of MRI-defined vascular depression: A longitudinal, community-based study in Korean elders. J Affect Disord. 2015;180:200-6.

    40. Lee JJ, Lee EY, Lee SB, Park JH, Kim TH, Jeong HG, et al. Impact of White Matter Lesions on Depression in the Patients with Alzheimer's Disease. Psychiatry Investig. 2015;12(4):516-22.

    41. Jeong HG, Ko YH, Oh SY, Han C, Kim T, Joe SH. Effect of Korean Red Ginseng as an adjuvant treatment for women with residual symptoms of major depression. Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2015;7(3):330-6.

    42. Jeong HG, Ko YH, Han C, Oh SY, Park KW, Kim T, et al. The impact of 3D and 2D TV watching on neurophysiological responses and cognitive functioning in adults. Eur J Public Health. 2015;25(6):1047-52.

    43. Bae JB, Kim YJ, Han JW, Kim TH, Park JH, Lee SB, et al. Incidence of and risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment in Korean elderly. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2015;39(1-2):105-15.

    44. Ko YH, Na KS, Kim CE, Kim SH, Jeon YW, Yi JS, et al. The effectiveness of cross-tapering switching to ziprasidone in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Psychiatry Investig. 2014;11(4):459-66.

    45. Jeong HG, Han C, Park MH, Ryu SH, Pae CU, Lee JY, et al. Influence of the number and severity of somatic symptoms on the severity of depression and suicidality in community-dwelling elders. Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2014;6(3):274-83.

    46. Park JY, Han JW, Jeong H, Jeong HG, Kim TH, Yoon IY, et al. Suicidal behaviors in elderly Koreans: one-month-point prevalence and factors related to suicidality. J Affect Disord. 2013;150(1):77-83.

    47. Kim BJ, Lee CS, Oh BH, Hong CH, Lee KS, Son SJ, et al. A normative study of lexical verbal fluency in an educationally-diverse elderly population. Psychiatry Investig. 2013;10(4):346-51.

    48. Jeong HG, Lim JS, Lee MS, Kim SH, Jung IK, Joe SH. The association of psychosocial factors and obstetric history with depression in pregnant women: focus on the role of emotional support. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2013;35(4):354-8.

    49. Jeong HG, Lee MS. Long-acting Injectable Antipsychotics in First-episode Schizophrenia. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2013;11(1):1-6.

    50. Jeong HG, Lee JJ, Lee SB, Park JH, Huh Y, Han JW, et al. Role of severity and gender in the association between late-life depression and all-cause mortality. Int Psychogeriatr. 2013;25(4):677-84.

    51. Jeong HG, Ko YH, Han C, Kim YK, Joe SH. Distinguishing Quantitative Electroencephalogram Findings between Adjustment Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. Psychiatry Investig. 2013;10(1):62-8.

    52. Ryu SH, Kim KW, Kim S, Park JH, Kim TH, Jeong HG, et al. Normative study of the category fluency test (CFT) from nationwide data on community-dwelling elderly in Korea. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2012;54(2):305-9.

    53. Jeong HG, Min BJ, Lim S, Kim TH, Lee JJ, Park JH, et al. Plasma adiponectin elevation in elderly individuals with subsyndromal depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012;37(7):948-55.

    54. Jeong HG, Lee MS, Lee HY, Ko YH, Han C, Joe SH. Changes in sexual function and gonadal axis hormones after switching to aripiprazole in male schizophrenia patients: a prospective pilot study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2012;27(4):177-83.

    55. Jeong HG, Lee MS, Ko YH, Han C, Jung IK. Combination treatment with aripiprazole and valproic acid for acute mania: an 8-week, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2012;35(3):97-102.

    56. Jeong HG, Kim TH, Lee JJ, Lee SB, Park JH, Huh Y, et al. Impact of alcohol use on mortality in the elderly: results from the Korean Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2012;121(1-2):133-9.

    57. Jeong HG, Ham BJ, Yeo HB, Jung IK, Joe SH. Gray matter abnormalities in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: an optimized voxel-based morphometry. J Affect Disord. 2012;140(3):260-7.



  • Research

    Research Topic
    기준년도 부처명 과제명(국문) 과제명(영문) 역할
    2022.07~2024.12 보건복지부 패턴, 생체 신호, 표정 인식 기반 인공지능 안전관리 시스템을 이용하는 스마트 정신건강의학과 보호병동 구축 Building a smart psychiatric inpatient unit using an artificial intelligence safety management system based on behavioral patterns, biological signals and facial expression recognition 책임 연구자
    2021~2022 보건복지부 한국형 치매임상시험 지원 등록 연구 Korean Registry for Activating Trial on Dementia (KReATo-D) 공동 연구원
    2019.04~2021.12 보건복지부 치매 진행모델의 타당화 검증 및 조기진단 시스템의 임상적 적용 Validation of dementia progression model and clinical application of early diagnostic system 책임 연구자
    2019 과학기술정보통신부 의료데이터분석 지능형 SW 기술개발 Development of Intelligent SW Technology for Medical data analysis 질환세부, 구로병원 책임연구자
    2015.11~2018.10 보건복지부 알츠하이머 치매 환자에서의 아밀로이드 뇌영상 검사의 진단적 가치 평가 및 적용 기준 개발 Assessing diagnostic value and development of indication guideline in amyloid imaging for Alzheimer's dementia patients 책임연구자(총괄)
    2015.11~2018.10 과학기술정보통신부 노인 우울증과 경도인지장애를 함께 가진 환자에서 뇌 아밀로이드 침착 소견을 이용한 치매 예측 연구 Prediction of dementia using cerebral amyloid deposition in patients with late life depression and mild cognitive impairment 책임연구자(총괄)
    2017.04~2018.12 과학기술정보통신부(뇌연구원) 알츠하이머 치매의 원인 규명 및 조기 진단을 위한 혈액학적 표지자 탐색 Investigation of diagnostic markers based human biologic materials in patients with neurodegenerative diseases 책임연구자(총괄)
    2016.04~2018.03 보건복지부 관상동맥중재시술 환자를 위한 건강관련이론 및 건강정보 활용능력 기반 문자메시지 개발 Development of Text Message Based on the Health-related Theory and Health Literacy for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 책임연구자(세부)
    2010~2016 보건복지부 한국인의 인지 노화와 치매에 대한 전향적 연구 Korean Longitudinal study on Cognitive Aging and Dementia (KLOSCAD) 참여 연구원
  • Teaching

    사회적 뇌와 인간행동 (의예과)

    정신의학 (의학과)

    정신과학 임상실습 (의학과)

  • Lab Members

    Current Member


    Director of the Lab.

    Hyun-Ghang Jeong, M.D., Ph.D.


    Department of Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine,

    Department of Biomedical Sciences, Korea University Graduate School.

    Director of Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Training at Korea University Guro Hospital


    Young Soo Kang, M.A.

    Clinical Psychologist

    Clinical Psychology M.A., Jeonbook University




    Bora Kim, B.A.

    Research Assistant at the CAN Lab. (June 2016 ~ March 2017)

    Graduate Student, Department of Neurobiology, Bielefeld University Graduate School (Current)


    Suji Lee, B.A.

    Research Assistant at the CAN Lab. ( 2015 ~ 2018)

    Biomedical Sciences M.A., Korea University College of Medicine (2015~2018)

    Graduate Student, Neuroscience Reserch MPhil/PhD program, King's College of London (Current)


    Seul Ki Kim, M.A.

    Research Staff at the CAN Lab. (2016~2018)

    Clinical Research Coordinator, Department of Rehabilitation, Korea University Guro Hospital (Current)


    Hye Kyung Cho, B.S.

    Clinical Research Coordinator at the CAN Lab. (2019)

    Center for Dementia (Current)


    HyunChul Youn, M.D.

    Researcher at the CAN Lab. (June 2017 ~ March 2019)

    Trainee of Geriatric Psychiatry Felloship Program at Korea University Guro Hospital (2017~2018)

    Assistant Professor, Sooncheonhyang University College of Medicine (Current)


    Kwang-Yeon Choi, M.D., Ph.D.

    Trainee of Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Program at Korea University Guro Hospital (March 2015 ~ February 2016)

    Assistant Professsor, Department of Psychiatry, Choongnam University College of Medicine (Current)


    Jun Ho Lee, M.D.

    Trainee of Geriatric Psychiatry Felloship Program at Korea University Guro Hospital (2019)