• 로그인

고려대학교 교수소개

Knowledge & Innovation


Professor Seon-Taek KIM

김선택 교수

E-mail: stkim@korea.ac.kr

Tel: 02-3290-1891 

  • About Professor
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Profile

    Academic Positions

    2009-  Professor, School of Law, Korea University 

    2016-  Director, Party Law Research Center, Legal Research Institute of Korea University

    1995   Professor, College of Law, Korea University

    1994   Professor, College of Law, Kyungpook National University


    1992   Dr. jur., Universität zu Köln (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship recipient)

    1984   LL.M., Gruaduate School, Korea University

    1982   LL.B., College of Law, Korea University


    Prof.Dr. Seon-Taek Kim

    Room 322, School of Law Building, Korea University,

    Anam-ro 145, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841,

    Republic of Korea

    E.  stkim@korea.ac.kr

    T.   82-2-3290-1891

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Academic Affiliation
    • – President, Constitutional Academic & Professional Association (헌법이론실무학회), 2013-

      – President, Anam Law Association (안암법학회), 2015-2016

      – Member, Korean Public Law Association (한국공법학회) (ex Vice president)

      – Member, Korean Constitutional Law Association (한국헌법학회) (ex Vice president)

      – Member, Korea Comparative Public Law Association (한국비교공법학회) (ex Vice president)

      – Member, Korean Association of Legal Philosophy (한국법철학회)

    Career (selected)

    – Academic Advisor(Akademischer Berater), Constitutional Court of Korea (헌법재판소 초대 헌법연구위원)

    – Chief of Subcommittee of Public Information, Central Administrative Adjudication Committee (중앙행정심판위원회 정보공개위원장)

    – Chief of Subcommittee of Public Law, Special Committee for the study on the Laws of South and North Korea, Ministry of Justice (법무부 남북법령연구특별분과위원회 공법소위 위원장)

    – Chief of Social Rights Forum, National Human Rights Commission of Korea (인권위원회 사회권포럼위원장)

    – Chief of Committee for Police Investigation Policy, Korea National Police Agency (경찰청 수사정책위원장)

    – Member, Committee for Discipline of Judges, Supreme Court of Korea (대법원 법관징계위원회 위원)

    – Member, Committee for Civil Control of Judicial Administration, Seoul Central District Court (서울중앙지방법원 시민사법위원회 위원)

    – Member, Administrative Adjudication Committee under the Prime Minister (국무총리 행정심판위원회 위원)

    – Member, Advisory Committee, Ministry of Justice (법무부 헌법자문위원회 위원)

    – Member, Committee for Interpretation of Laws, Ministry of Justice (법무부 법령해석위원회 위원)

    – Member, Advisory Committee, The Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea (감사원 정책자문위원회 위원)

    – Member, Commission for Prevention and Relief of Gender Discrimination (남녀차별개선위원회 위원)

    – Member, Advisory Committee, Ministry of Gender & Equality (여성가족부 자문위원회 위원)

    – Member, Committee for Selecting Excellent Legislations, National Assembly (국회 우수법령심사위원회 위원)

    – Member, Committee for Police Reform, Korea National Police Agency (경찰청 경찰개혁위원회 수사개혁분과위원장)


    Order of Civil Merit (Magnolia Medal, 국민훈장 목련장), 2005

  • Publication

    • •  Constitution as a Foundation of Civic Education (시민교육의 기초로서의 헌법), Publius Publishing, 2020, ISBN 9791189237066 (co-authored with Seok-No Hong, Jeong-Rok Oh and Jeong-In Yun)

      •  March First Revolution and the Korean Constitution (3.1대혁명과 대한민국헌법), Publius Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9791189237059 (co-authored with Seung-Ju Bang, Tae-ho Chung and Gwanjae Kim)

      •  Constitutional Ideas of Unified Korea and their Implementation (통일한반도의 헌법적 이념과 구현방안), Paradigm Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9791196523442

      •  Case Studies in Constitutional Law (헌법사례연습), Bobmunsa, 3rd. ed., 2004, ISBN 9788918012643

      •  Die Interpretation der Grundrechte nach dem Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutchland und nach der Verfassung der Republik Korea, Diss. jur. Köln, 1992


    Journal Articles & Chapters (selected)

    •  “Democratic Deliberation on Constitutional Amendment” (민주적 개헌논의의 헌법적 조건) (forthcoming)

    •  "Grounds and Procedures of Judicial Impeachment - Application in the Judiciary Power Abuse Scandal" (Feb. 2019) (법관탄핵의 요건과 절차, 공법연구 47집 3호, 2019.2)

    •  "Global Trends in Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide" (June 2018) (의사조력자살의 합법화 – 세계적 동향, 한국의료법학회지 26권 1호, 2018.6)

    •  "Constitutional Consensus as a Foundation of Civic Education" (March 2017) (시민교육의 기초로서의 헌법적 합의, 헌법연구 4권 1호, 2017.3)

    •  "Constitutional Amendment through People’s Participation" (Oct. 2017) (국민참여개헌, 어떻게 할 것인가, 공법연구 46집 1호, 2017.10)

    •  "Whether the Intervention in State affairs by a confidante of the President could be the Grounds for Impeachment of the President" (Sept. 2017) (대통령의 국민주권주의 위반 – 2016헌나1 사건에서 비선실세의 국정농단의 위헌성 판단, 헌법학연구 23권 3호, 2017.9)

    •  "Parliamentary Control of Delegated Legislation" (Nov. 2015) (행정입법에 대한 국회 관여권 – 수정·변경 요구권 유보부 위임의 합헌성, 공법학연구 16권 4호, 2015.11)

    •  "Teilung und Wiedervereinigung, Legitimität der Verfassung" (March 2015) (분단과 통일, 헌법의 정당성, 통일법연구 1권, 2015.10)

    •  "Constitutionalisation without ‘Constitutionalism Patriotism’" (March 2015) (“입헌주의에 대한 충성심” 없는 헌법화, 헌법연구 2권 1호, 2015.3)

    •  "Constitutional Court as a Guardian of Democracy?" (Feb. 2015) (co-authored with Jeong-In Yun) (헌법재판소는 민주주의의 수호자인가, 공법학연구 16권 1호, 2015.2)

    •  "The Interpretation of Substantial Requirements of Dissolution of Political Parties on the basis of the Constitutional Text"(Sept. 2014) (정당해산의 실체적 요건의 규범적합적 해석, 헌법연구 1권 1호, 2014.9)

    •  "Constitutionalism and Constitutional Tasks in Korea" (Sept. 2014) (한국의 입헌주의와 헌법학의 과제, 헌법연구 1권 1호, 2014.9)

    •  "The European Court of Human Rights' Criteria on Dissolution of Political Parties" (Aug. 2014) (co-authored with Jeong-In Yun) (유럽인권재판소의 정당해산 심판기준, 공법학연구 15권 2호, 2014.8)

    •  "The Future of History in Korean Democracy" (July 2014) (한국 민주주의에 있어서 역사의 미래, 법과사회 46호, 2014.6)

    •  "The Role of Constitutional Court in Constitutional Dialogue ― Korean Constitutional Judicial Review, Is the Third Way Possible?" (June 2013) (헌법적 대화에 있어서 헌법재판소의 역할 – 한국 헌법재판, 제3의 길, 가능한가?, 공법연구 41집 4호, 2013.6)

    •  "Duty-based understanding of the Presidency" (March 2013) (대통령‘직’의 헌법적 의무 – 차기정부의 헌법적 과제에 대한 총론적 조망, 헌법학연구 19권 1호, 2013.3)

    •  "Constitution and Revolution ― Civic Constitutionalism" (Feb. 2013) (헌법과 혁명 – 시민입헌주의(civic Constitutionalism), 동아법학 58호, 2013.2)

    •  "Constitution-making and Public Participation ― in the Case of Constitutional Amendment in Korea" (Dec. 2012) (헌법개정과 국민참여 – 국민의 영혼으로 통하는 창, 어떻게 열 것인가, 공법연구 41집 2호, 2012.12)

    •  "Constitutional Review of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment ― In the Case of Yushin-Constitution" (Nov. 2011) (위헌적 헌법개정에 대한 위헌심사론 – 유신헌법의 경우, 공법학연구 12권 4호, 2011.11)

    •  "Multicultural Society and the Constitution" (June 2010) (다문화사회와 헌법, 헌법학연구 16권 2호, 2010.6)

    •  "Das Schutzsystem und die Rechstsgüter des Persönlichkeitsrechts in den Entscheidungen des koreanischen Verfassungsgerichts" (Dec. 2008) (헌법상 인격권의 보장체계와 보호법익 – 헌법재판소판례를 중심으로, 헌법논총 19집, 2008.12)

    •  "Development of Protection of Fundamental Human Rights and Tasks of Constitutional Jurisprudence in Korea" (Dec. 2008) (기본권보장의 발전과 기본권학의 과제, 공법연구 37집 2호, 2008.12)

    •  "Constitutional principle of Republic and Interpretation of Korean Constitution" (Sept. 2008) (공화국원리와 한국헌법의 해석, 법제, 2008.9)

    •  "Argumentation on the Unconstitutionality of the so-called ‘Yushin-Constitution(1972)" (Oct. 2007) (유신헌법의 불법성 논증, 고려법학 49호, 2007.10)

    •  "The Illegality of Emergency Measures and the Removal of Effect of unjust Judgements" (Oct. 2007) (긴급조치의 불법성과 긴급조치위반사건판결의 청산방안, 공법연구 36집 1호, 2007.10)

    •  "The Power Distribution between the Executive and the Congress in Foreign Affairs ― A Study on the Congress' Approval to the Treaty-Making by the Executive" (Sept. 2007) (헌법상의 외교권한 배분과 구체화 입법의 헌법적 한계 – 조약체결에 있어서 의회 관여권을 중심으로, 헌법학연구 13권 2호, 2007.9)

    •  "Constitutional Reform following the Changing Structure of Democracy" (Nov. 2007) (민주주의의 구조변화와 헌법개혁, 안암법학 25호(상), 2007.11)

    •  "A Study on the Amendment of General Provisions of Constitutional Human Rights" (Nov. 2006) (기본권 일반규정의 개정방안 연구, 헌법학연구 12권 4호, 2006.11)

    •  "Constitutionalism and Korean Constitution in the Globalized era" (Nov. 2005) (세계화 시대의 입헌주의와 한국헌법, 고려대학교 개교 백주년 기념 법과대학 국제학술대회 “세계화 시대의 법과 한국법의 발전” 자료집, 2005.11.19)

    •  "The Constitutional Court ― Its Status and Limits within the principle of Separation of Powers" (June 2005) (국가기능체계에 있어서 헌법재판소의 역할과 한계 – 국가조직관련 헌법재판소판례의 분석과 평가, 공법연구 33집 4호, 2005.6)

    •  "The Legal Meaninglessness and Political Meaningfulness concerning the Popular Vote to reconfirm the Democratic Legitimacy of the President" (March 2004) (재신임국민투표의 법률적 무의미성과 정치적 유의미성, 공법연구 32집 3호, 2004.12)

    •  "Democracy and the Election" (2001) (민주주의와 선거 – 민주적 선거의 과제 및 현실적 여건을 중심으로, 공법연구 29집 4호, 2001)

    •  "Legal Character and Effects of the Referendum" (2000) (정책국민투표의 성격과 효력, 헌법논총 11집, 2000)

    •  "Grundrechtssystem" (1999) (기본권체계, 헌법논총 10집, 1999)

    •  "Constitution and the Policy of Reunification" (1998) (헌법과 통일정책, 대한민국 건국 50주년 기념 제1회 한국법학자대회 논문집, 1998, 347-375)

    •  "Der Begriff des Grundrechts" (June 1998) (기본권의 개념, 법정고시, 1998.6)

    •  "Der Begriff der Verfassung" (May 1998) (헌법의 개념, 법정고시 1998.5)

    •  "An Interpretation of Article 128 Clause 2 of Korean Constitution" (1997) (집권연장목적의 헌법개정제안 봉쇄조항 – 헌법 제128조 제2항의 해석, 법과국가: 운남 서정호교수 정년기념논문집, 1997, 47-71)

    •  "The Effect of Power Distribution of Parliamentarian Elements in the Korean Constitution" (1997) (의원내각제적 요소의 권력분산효과, 법학논집 33집, 1997)

    •  "Constitutional Review on the substantive Unconstitutionality of formal Constitution" (1996) (형식적 헌법의 실질적 위헌성에 대한 헌법재판 – 위헌적 헌법규범의 성립가능성과 사법심사가능성에 관하여, 법학논총 32집, 1996)

    •  "Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Rechtsstaat" (1995) (과거청산과 법치국가, 법학논집 31집, 1995)

    •  "Verfassungswirklichkeit und Verfassungsverwirklichung" (June 1993) (헌법현실과 헌법실현, 법조 42권 6호, 1993.6)

    •  "Systematic Interpretation of Right to Pursuit of Happiness and Unenumerated Rights" (1993) (“행복추구권”과 “헌법에 열거되지 아니한 권리”의 기본권체계적 해석, 안암법학 창간호, 1993)

    •  "A Study on the Limits of Constitutional Amendment" (Aug. 1987) (헌법개정의 한계에 관한 고찰, 법조 36권 8호, 1987.8)

    •  "Der Staatsbegriff im Sinne von Rudolf Smend als verfassungstheoretische Voraussetzung" (Aug. 1986) (헌법이론의 전제로서의 국가개념, 법조 35권 8호, 1986.8)

  • Research

    Research Interests

    - Methodology of Constitutional Interpretation

    - Republican Constitutionalism

    - Democratic Constitutional Amendment

    - Fundamental Human Rights

    - Presidency & Presidential Leadership

    - Political Party Law

    - Federalism & Local Autonomy

    - Constitutional & Civic Education


    Research Projects in Progress

    - 'Human Dignity and the Rule of Law

    - 'Federalism as Constitutional Principle'

    - 'Nature and Funtion of Political Representation'

    - 'Consensual or Coalitional Politics in Presidential Systems'

    - 'Future of Korean Democracy and Reform of Political Party Regulations' 

  • Teaching

    Fall Semester, 2021

    Constitutional Law 2 (School of Law Course)

    Executive Power (Graduate School Seminar)


    Spring Semester, 2021

    Constitutional Law1 (School of Law Course)

    The Rule of Law (Graduate School Seminar)